Key details
Location: Cairns
Duration: The program will run a total of 17 days including 3 weekends (non-consecutively) from October 2023 – July 2024. Refer to the key dates below for more information.
Cost: This is a full scholarship (free) development program. Participants that live outside of Cairns can request financial assistance to cover travel costs within the application form.
Applications close: extended to Wednesday 13 September, 5.00pm
Screen Queensland, in partnership with Essential Screen Skills, will support 30 new and emerging screen practitioners from North and Far North Queensland as part of their new Film Intensive Script to Screen (FISS) program to gain set-ready skills and industry credits across camera, costume, lighting, production and locations.
Selected participants will be mentored by highly experienced local industry professionals to build hands-on filmmaking experience through a series of workshops and intensives, culminating in the production of three new short films. Participants will receive film credits following completion of the full program to appropriate standards to support with building their careers in the screen industry.
About the program
The entry-level program is aimed at participants aged 18 or over, including those with transferrable skills from other professions to support crew development in the North and Far North Queensland screen industry.
The program is in-person, taking place in Cairns on specific dates (see below). Participants will have the opportunity to work over 3 stages of pre-production and production. Participants who live outside of Cairns can request financial assistance to cover travel and accommodation costs within the application form.
At least 10 places in the program will be reserved for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people pursuing a career in the screen industry. Applications are encouraged from people from other under-represented backgrounds.
With the new Screen Queensland Studios, Cairns development underway, now is the perfect time to build your skill set to take advantage of new job opportunities in the North and Far North Queensland screen industry.
Screen Queensland’s Film Intensive Script to Screen program is funded by Department of Youth Justice, Employment, Small Business and Training and is proudly supported by the Queensland Government through its Workforce Connect Fund and is delivered in partnership with Essential Screen Skills, Kolperi Outback Filmmaking and Screen Well.
Find out more about the FISS initiative for writers.
Who can apply
To be eligible to apply, all applicants must be:
- Must be available for the dates as per the outlined schedule.
- An Australian citizen or permanent resident, aged 18 or over.
- Based in North/Far North Queensland or the surrounding region. Refer to the map here.
- Be an early career practitioner, school/university/Tafe leaver or graduate wanting to get into the screen industry.
- Be skilled in a profession that is desirable in the screen industry, e.g., trades (carpenters, electricians), health industry, safety, etc.
Applicants who do not fulfill these obligations will not be eligible.
SCHEDULE (subject to change):
- Onboarding day for all participants: 20 October 2023
PHASE 1 (all participants)
Proof of concept weekends
- 21–22 October 2023
- 4–5 November 2023
- 18–19 November 2023
PHASE 2 (all participants split into two groups)
- Shooting block: 4–8 March 2024
PHASE 3 (all participants split into two groups)
- Shooting Block 13 –18 May 2024
- Formal screening and debrief: 19 July 2024 (approx)
Applicants who do not fulfill these obligations will not be eligible. Participants who live outside Cairns can request financial assistance to cover travel and accommodation costs within the application form.
Screen Queensland encourages applications from under-represented groups in the screen industry. We strongly encourage applications from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, people living with disability and other diverse experiences across cultural and linguistic backgrounds, gender, sexuality, age and socio-economic status.
How to apply
To apply, please click here. Applications are due by Friday 8 September, 5.00pm. Late applications will not be assessed.
If you require any assistance with completing an application, please email Joshua Beckett at fiss@screenqld.com.au or phone 0401 965 083.
Preparing your application
To apply for the FISS program, you will be required to:
- Provide a 100-word biography about who you are, your most recent education status (just graduated, looking at enrolling) and why you’re applying for the FISS program.
- OR a 30-60-second video or audio recording, introducing yourself, explaining who you are, your most recent education status (just graduated, looking at enrolling) and why you’re applying for the FISS program.
- Be available to attend the onboarding day and subsequent filming periods that are shown in the description for the FISS Program.
- Have the availability to travel to Cairns to attend the FISS program.
Please note late applications cannot be accepted. Screen Queensland reserves the right to not accept incomplete applications. Application material will not be returned by Screen Queensland.
An automated email will be sent to you within 30 minutes of submitting your application to confirm that Screen Queensland has received your application. It is the applicant’s responsibility to contact Screen Queensland if you do not receive an application receipt email.
How applications will be assessed
Applications will be assessed on the basis of:
- Your passion for storytelling conveyed via your CV or video
- Your availability to attend and engage in the entire process.
Assessments will be undertaken internally by Screen Queensland staff and all applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application by Wednesday 20 September.
Documents to read before applying
Screen Queensland Strategic Plan 2023–25
Screen Diversity and Inclusion Network Charter
Please note that our 2023–25 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Program is currently in development.