Investment & Support

Bluey by Ludo Studio

The 15% Post, Digital and Visual Effects (PDV) Incentive attracts footloose* and fully financed screen projects to use PDV facilities and practitioners in Queensland.

*A project is considered footloose if there is evidence of genuine interstate or international PDV destination alternatives.


A review of the guidelines is underway. We will announce the new guidelines soon along with an updated application form. Please contact the Production Attraction team with any questions.


(The below dates are in AEST)

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Wednesday 21 February 2024Wednesday 10 January 2024
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Wednesday 23 October 2024Wednesday 11 September 2024
Wednesday 11 December 2024Wednesday 30 October 2024

See below and download the full PDV Incentive Guidelines.

PDV Incentive Aim

The Post, Digital and Visual Effects (PDV) Incentive attracts footloose and fully financed screen projects to utilise PDV facilities and practitioners in Queensland.

The objectives of the incentive are to:

  • increase the level of PDV work in the State of Queensland;
  • increase skills development and employment opportunities for Queenslanders working in the PDV sector; and
  • increase business activity for Queensland-based PDV companies.

The PDV Incentive complements the Federal Government’s PDV Offset, Producer Offset and Locations Offset and may be combined with any of these.

Applicants with projects that are eligible for the PDV Incentive may also be eligible for funding through other Screen Queensland programs. For projects undertaking physical production in Queensland see both our Screen Finance Program guidelines and Production Attraction Incentive guidelines


This incentive program is open to all Australian and international producers, production companies and studios with screen projects that:

  • are spending a minimum of AU$250,000 in qualifying PDV Queensland Production Expenditure (PDV QPE), with all resulting PDV QPE incurred and retained in Queensland;
  • are fully financed;
  • have evidence of genuine marketplace commitment for commercial release or distribution; and
  • have not commenced PDV work in Queensland prior to the date of application.

Please read the incentive guidelines for the full eligibility requirements. 

Incentive Amount

The incentive is generally calculated at fifteen percent (15%) of the PDV QPE. The incentive amount will be at the discretion of Screen Queensland and is subject to the availability of funding at the time of application.

Assessment Criteria

Applications for the PDV Incentive are assessed in accordance with these guidelines, with a focus on the following criteria:

  • Economic Benefits – will the project deliver economic benefits to Queensland (e.g. inward investment (qualifying PDV QPE) and onward economic benefits)?
  • Industry Benefits – will the project deliver industry benefits to Queensland (e.g. opportunities for businesses and screen practitioners to secure work, to promote growth and success, and for training and skills development)?
Application Process

Applications must be made online through Screen Queensland’s SmartyGrants system, via the “Apply Now” link above. The application is available to preview prior to starting. 

During the application process applicants will be required to provide key information and documentation. A full list is available in the incentive guidelines above. 

Please contact Naomi Wenck, Head of Production Attraction with any questions regarding the application. 

The Everyone Project

As a member of the Screen Diversity and Inclusion Network (SDIN), Screen Queensland uses The Everyone Project to benchmark and track the diversity of the Australian screen industry.

The Everyone Project is an easy-to-use survey and reporting tool that invites people working on current projects to self-identify on a set of characteristics to help us benchmark and track the impact of work to diversify the talent and crews working in the screen industry.

Productions supported through Screen Queensland must register with The Everyone Project and, with appropriate consent, provide their cast and crew’s names, roles and contact details so that they may be invited to participate in voluntary, de-identified demographic surveys.

Learn more about The Everyone Project.

Acquittal Documentation

*These are guides. Please seek independent legal advice in relation to these documents.


Screen Queensland is eager to help you put forward your best application so please contact us with any questions.

Naomi Wenck, Head of Production Attraction

Screen Queensland
Phone: +61 7 3248 0500