Market and Travel fund

Market and Travel fund

GCAP 2023

NQ Screen Forum 2022

Screen Forever 2023

AIDC 2023

Gamescom 2023

Screenworks Regional 2 Global Screen Forum 2023

AIDC Regionality Cairns

Chrysaor Productions at the Cannes Film Festival

The Market and Travel fund assists practitioners to attend and participate in a range of industry opportunities. In 2024 we have expanded the Market and Travel fund offering into two streams.

The ongoing Market stream will continue to support Queensland-based practitioners to attend markets and conferences with a slate of projects that they are actively pitching, while the Professional Development stream provides travel support for practitioners in key creative roles selected to participate in eligible professional development opportunities.

The Market and Travel Fund is a rolling fund and all applications will be assessed competitively


The Market stream of the Market and Travel fund is for Queensland-based individuals or teams travelling to screen industry markets, conventions and conferences to attract support and finance for their projects. Funding through this program supports flights, accommodation, ground travel and event registration. 

Market support typically benefits producers and game developers looking to take a slate of 3+ projects to markets either nationally or internationally. 

There are two ways to apply for Market support 

  • Apply to attend any eligible event of your choosing, submitting an application four weeks prior to the travel date 
  • Apply for specific opportunities listed below under the heading Market and Travel Initiatives 

Queensland screen practitioners or teams can apply for $1,000–$1,500 for Australian Markets, $3,500–$5,000 for overseas markets in the Asia Pacific region, and $5,000–$7,500 for international markets beyond the Asia Pacific. 

All applicants must be Bona Fide Queensland residents. Please submit your application a minimum four weeks prior to the travel date. 


The Professional Development stream of the Market and Travel Fund supports Queensland-based above-the-line screen practitioners and game developers travelling to take part in a broad range of professional development activities and opportunities, such as:  

  • Writers travelling to take part in interstate or international writers' rooms and brainstorming sessions. 
  • Directors and Producers travelling to take part in on-set shadowing opportunities and attachments. 
  • Participation-by-invitation in significant national or international labs, workshops and masterclasses. 
  • Funding to support travel to other significant professional development opportunities will be considered on a case-by-case basis. 

Applicants must be able to provide evidence that they will be actively involved participants in the opportunity for which they seek funding, which must entail clear and demonstrable career-escalation benefits.  

Applicants please note, the following will not be funded under the Professional Development stream of the Market and Travel fund and applications seeking funding for the below will be considered uncompetitive or ineligible. 

  • Attendance at film festivals, screenings, panels, workshops or conferences etc. solely as an audience member. 
  • Attendance at invitation-only events (labs, workshops, writers’ rooms etc.) where invitation to participate is not confirmed in writing.  
  • Internships, attachments, writers’ rooms and similar positions where the role is unpaid or paid below industry-standard minimums. 
  • Internships, attachments, writers’ rooms and similar positions where the production concerned does not have a clear pathway to audience/marketplace. 

Funding will be capped and competitive.  


Content London Market and Travel Grant

Market dates: Monday 2 December – Thursday 5 December Applications close: Thursday 24 October, 5pm AEST. Screen Queensland is offering … Continued

Australian International Movie Convention 2024 Market grants

Applications closed Thursday 19 September Screen Queensland is offering up to five Queensland practitioners the opportunity to attend the Australian … Continued

Games Development Conference – Market Grants


Screen Queensland has opened Market Grants to individual games developers and teams travelling to the Games Developers Conference (GDC) in San Francisco this March.

NQ & FNQ Screen Forever Market Grants


Screen Queensland is offering NQ Regional Travel Program grants to assist up to ten (10) Queensland practitioners from the North Queensland and Far North Queensland regions to attend Screen Forever 38.

AIDC Conference 2024 – Market and Travel Grants


Applications close Wednesday 10 January 2024. 10 practitioners will be supported to attend the Australian Internationally Documentary Conference in Melbourne 3-6 March 2024.

Screen Forever 38 Market Grants


Applications close 8 December 2023. Screen Queensland is proud to support Screen Forever 38, to be held on the Gold Cost from Tuesday 19 March – Thursday 21 March 2024.

Games Connect Asia Pacific 2023 Market Grants


Through our Market program, Screen Queensland will provide five games developers from Queensland with travel and accommodation support of up to $500 per applicant to attend GCAP in Melbourne in October.

Gamescom 2023 – Market Grants


Screen Queensland will offer three grants of $4,000 each to be used towards travel and accommodation costs to attend Gamescom 2023.

A photograph of the esplanade in Cairns showing sand, ocean and hills

AIDC Regionality: Cairns 2023 Market Grants


Screen Queensland is offering Queensland practitioners based in Far North Queensland and North Queensland the opportunity to attend AIDC Regionality Cairns on Friday 28 July 2023.  

A black and white photo of men and women sitting in rows and smiling

Screen Queensland and Stowe Story Labs fellowship program


The Screen Queensland and Stowe Story Labs Fellowship Program offered support for up to two Queensland-based mid-career screenwriters, directors and creative producers to:

Games Developers Conference Market Grants


Three Queensland game developers will be supported to attend the Games Developers Conference in San Francisco, from 20–24 March 2023.

New Kids on the Block: Regional to Global Market Grants


Screen Queensland has partnered with Screenworks to support seven practitioners to attend the Regional to Global Screen Forum in Lennox Head NSW from 30 March – 1 April 2023.

Australian International Documentary Conference – Market Support


Screen Queensland will support 12 Queensland practitioners to attend AIDC 5–8 March 2023 in Melbourne.

Games Connect Asia Pacific – Market Support


Three Queensland game developers will be supported to attend GCAP 3–5 October 2022 in Melbourne.

Regional to Global – Market Support


Regional practitioners can now register to attend the online conference 26–28 May 2022 for FREE.

GamesCom – Market Support


Five Queensland studios will receive a stand at the Australian Pavilion at Gamescom 2022 , including up to $7,500 travel support and 3 passes per studio.

Australian Feature Film Summit – Market Support


Screen Queensland will support 2 Queensland-based industry practitioners to virtually attend the Australian Feature Film Summit, on Thursday 12 May 2022.

Screen Forever 37 Market Grants


Selected practitioners will be granted 1 pass and up to $1,000 to support travel, flights and accommodation.

Australian International Documentary Conference (AIDC) 2022 Market Grants


Up to 10 Queensland practitioners, including 5 First Nations practitioners, will be supported to attend the Australian International Documentary Conference (AIDC) in Melbourne from 6-9 March 2022.  

Market Support: Australian Feature Film Summit


Screen Queensland will support 10 Queensland-based industry practitioners to attend the Australian Feature Film Summit, online Friday 22 October.

Regional to Global Screen Forum passes + Screenworks membership


Regional/remote-based Queensland practitioners can apply now to receive one of 8 tickets to the 2021 Screenworks Regional to Global Screen Forum online, which includes a 12-month Regional Associate Screenworks Membership.

SCREEN FOREVER 2021 Market Grants


Ten $1000 Market grants were made available for Queensland producers and creators, to contribute towards the cost of attending SCREEN FOREVER 2021.

Market: Asian Animation Summit


Two Queensland projects in development will be selected to participate in the co-development or showcase program at the 2021 virtual summit.