Screen Queensland’s Online Production Grants support the careers of Queensland creatives and above-the-line (ATL) practitioners by funding the production of online series, offering grants of up to $100,000.
Online series created for YouTube, Facebook, TikTok, Instagram Reels, or one-off XR projects intended for public access on a screen-based device can apply for funding.
Grants will be offered in two competitive rounds per year and are open to Queensland creators from all experience levels, across a broad range of genres, including scripted and factual content, with creators retaining full ownership of their Intellectual Property (IP).
Applications for round one closed on Monday 28 October.
To be eligible, applicants must:
- be a key creative team (writer, director and/or producer) of minimum 50% Queensland residents; or a Queensland-resident solo creative practitioner
- demonstrate that you are the IP creator and owner of the story.
- if IP is owned by an interstate producer/creative, the application will only be considered eligible by demonstrating extraordinary benefits to Queensland by escalating above-the-line Queensland resident talent.
- tell an original story developed for online spaces
- demonstrate that one member of the key creative team has experience producing online content
- only submit one application per round
- have not already received an Online Production Grant from Screen Queensland in the same financial year.
Applicants are not eligible if they:
- are a full-time undergraduate, honours or masters student
- propose a short film (excluding single episode XR projects), reality, light/lifestyle entertainment including panel and variety shows, primarily educational or internal training content, nor digital or online extensions to an existing film or TV program
- submit an application for a project that has been declined funding by Screen Queensland previously, except where it can be demonstrated the application has been significantly reworked prior to submitting. Projects that have been declined twice are not eligible.
The following formats are eligible for the grants:
- episodic series created for YouTube, Facebook, TikTok or Instagram Reels*
- one-off XR* projects intended for public access on a screen-based device.
*Screen Queensland recognises this part of the industry is fast-changing, so other release platforms may be eligible.
*XR (Extended reality) is a term referring to all real-and virtual combined environments and human-machine interactions generated by computer technology and wearables. It included augmented reality (AR), augmented virtuality (AV) and virtual reality (VR).
The following formats are not eligible for this production grant fund:
Production funding
Applicants can apply for grants of up to $100,000, however, applications asking for over $80,000 must demonstrate a minimum of 25% of that ask in secured co-funding.
Applicants should consider the following:
- Budgets should consider the chosen platform, experience of the team and length of series.
- Projects are expected to cost between $1000-3000 per minute.
- Series are expected to run for approximately 20 to 30 minutes (total content).
- If crowdfunding is sought as additional funding, we recommend using ACF (Australian Cultural Fund).
- Co-funding for projects applying for $80,000+ must be secured at the point of application, at a minimum of 25% of the Screen Queensland ask, with confirmation of co-funding provided to Screen Queensland.
- For productions where IP is owned by interstate producer working with Queensland key creatives, Screen Queensland funding will be capped at $50,000, with the expectation that co-funding is secured at the time of application.
Applications will be assessed on the following:
- Creative strength
- originality and distinctiveness of concept
- quality of scripts, project bible, proof of concept or pilot (if available)
- strength of pitch video
- Marketing and release strategy
- understanding of target audience and viewing habits
- suitability of chosen release platform(s)
- effectiveness of marketing plan to attract and build audience
- measurable targets for success and plans to achieve them
- Team
- relevant experience and track record of key creative team
- inclusion of at least one team member with online content production/release experience
- potential for projects to contribute to the team’s career progression
- Budget and financial plan
- appropriateness of budget for project and release platform(s)
- viability of finance plan, including additional funding sources
- the projected Queensland production expenditure (QPE)
- compliance with award minimum rates for all work performed by third parties on their project, as per the Screen Queensland Terms of Trade
- where applicable, any minimum agreed between the relevant guilds is acceptable
- Screen Queensland will consider projects where key crew (including key creatives) have chosen to waive or reinvest their fees, provided this is contractually documented.
- productions require Workers Compensation Insurance and Public Liability Insurance which should be accounted for in budget.
- Diversity and inclusion
- representation of diverse voices and perspective in proposed content and or key creative team
- potential for project to contribute to diversity and inclusion in the Queensland screen industry
- Other factors
- the committee may also consider the overall diversity and range of projects supported through the program to date.
Successful applicants enter a formal agreement with Screen Queensland outlining delivery, reporting, acquittal, and legal requirements including insurances for the production. Grants are paid over milestones, only for eligible costs.
Drawdowns will be paid on the following milestones:
- 80% on execution of contract
- 15% on commencement of post-production
- 5% on delivery and acquittal.
Screen Queensland acknowledges in some cases this may be the first time these practitioners have received funding for their work and will provided regular check-ins and support throughout the production of the work.
Online projects involving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander content will be eligible for Screen Queensland support where some or all of the intellectual property is owned by members of these communities. Please ensure that consultation with ICIP Rights holders and appropriate licences for ICIP Rights have been obtained and that you read and abide by Screen Australia’s Pathways and Protocols document.
Applications will require:
- a completed application form
- a pitch document or project bible that outlines the creative elements of the project
- a complete set of scripts for the proposed project.
- scripts should include date and draft number and be formatted to industry standard.
- provide each episode as a separate document.
- draft scripts are acceptable
- one member of the key creative team needs to provide an example of previous work, proof of concept pilots are accepted and encouraged.
- a marketing and release plan of no fewer than three pages and no more than ten pages.
- the plan should thoroughly outline the intended audience and their viewing habits, the intended release platform and strategy to attract an audience
- a digital strategist or a marketing agency is not essential, but if applicants intend to engage one, they should be attached at the time of applying
- a business impact and measurements of success document of no more than two pages
- indicate how success will be measurable on your specific project, and how you will achieve these targets
- Chain of Title documents
- all Chain of Title documents, including all rights and development agreements (e.g. option agreements, extensions of option agreements, writer’s agreements, quitclaim deeds and co-development agreements)
- all chain of title documents should be signed and dated
- an A-Z budget to completion and release of the series using the relevant standard Screen Australia budget template, including a column for Queensland production expenditure (QPE)
- a finance plan using the standard Screen Australia excel template, indicating that dates of confirmation of federal funding if relevant.
- a downloadable video pitch of no more than three minutes that introduces the key creative team, gives an engaging overview of the central concept and intended audience and provides a strong sense of the creative vision and passion behind the project.
- separate CVs for each of the key creatives.
Applicants are also encouraged to include a relevant proof of concept or sample of previous work that speaks to the project in question.
Screen Queensland Content team
07 3248 0500
Photo by Siri louis on Unsplash.