Screen Queensland is proud to sponsor the Australian International Documentary Conference (AIDC) — Australia’s premier event for non-fiction content, which elevates documentary and factual storytelling across all forms.
Hosted in Melbourne from 5-8 March 2023, the industry event includes a marketplace for documentary and factual product, networking opportunities to encourage collaboration between practitioners, and creates a forum to discuss content, craft, technology, and future directions.
Screen Queensland will support 12 Queensland practitioners to attend AIDC, through Screen Queensland’s Market Support program.
Screen Queensland will cover:
- 5 x All Access Passes valued at $875 (in-person) and $125 contribution towards travel expenses
- 5 x All Access Passes valued at $875 (in-person) and $125 contribution towards travel expenses, for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander practitioners
- 2 x All Access Passes (online) valued at $575
Applications close Thursday 1 December, 5pm AEST.