Applications closed Monday 15 July
Screen Queensland is offering financial assistance through the $5 million Capital Grants program for small to medium screen businesses based on the Gold Coast. Up to $750,000 in matched funding is available for businesses who are seeking to purchase new or upgraded capital equipment, undertake infrastructure works or establish new premises on the Gold Coast.
The grants will support screen businesses to grow according to the thriving local screen industry. The grants support screen businesses in production, post-production and games development to expand their operations, maintain or gain a competitive edge, create screen jobs, and manage increasing local demand.
To be eligible to apply for the Program, applicants must:
- have an Australian Business Number (ABN),
- have a physical business location or demonstrable plans to establish a physical business location within the City of Gold Coast local government area (LGA),
- ensure all infrastructure and/or equipment once constructed or installed is 100% physically located within the City of Gold Coast LGA. City of Gold Coast Boundary,
- have between 2-49 employees,
- be a screen business,
- Note: Screen businesses manage and or service the technical and creative aspects of creating screen content. For the purposes of this grant, screen includes film and television content typically scripted, unscripted and documentaries and games. Businesses where work is primarily derived from television commercials, promotional videos and corporate videos are not eligible for this program
- not be employed by the government or a state or federal screen agency,
- not be a subsidiary of a major corporation or broadcaster,
- have proven capacity to provide matched funding to the initiative,
- have a business plan that can demonstrate the capital investment will be working within 2 years from receipt of funds,
- have read and agree to our Term of Trade, and
- not be in default with Screen Queensland—this includes all people associated with the application (and any such default must be declared as part of the application).
Applicants must maintain this eligibility until the project is acquitted and final reports submitted.
Screen Queensland’s decision upon the eligibility of an application shall be final.
Funding is available from $250,000 up to a maximum of $750,000 (excluding GST) per grant.
Screen Queensland reserves the right to fund at a lower level if necessary. Applicants will also be requested to indicate on their application whether they would accept partial funding, if the grant offered is less than funding sought.
Applicants will be responsible for meeting any cost increases that may occur over the course of the project.
Retrospective funding requests will not be supported. Funding will only be provided for projects that commence after funding approval has been notified by Screen Queensland.
Matched funding
Screen Queensland’s funding will be based on a 50% contribution (up to $750,000) towards the estimated total project cost.
The other 50% funding is to be sourced from applicant contributions or other external funding sources. Applicants will need to base their applications on this principle.
Total project costs are likely to include a mix of eligible and ineligible expenditure items.
Ineligible expenditure items are not funded by the grants program and will need to be met by the applicant.
While it is not possible to provide an exhaustive list of expenses and projects that are eligible or ineligible for funding, the lists below provide a general guide.
Eligible projects
Examples of eligible projects include:
- purchase and installation of new equipment,
- construction of new premises,
- construction of leasehold improvements,
- development of new software (not including software licenses, and not including game development) and
- development of new software designed for internal/operational use only (not including software licenses).
Ineligible projects
Examples of ineligible projects include:
- major repairs or maintenance,
- routine maintenance and
- development of games.
Eligible expenditure items
Examples of eligible expenditure items include:
- construction costs, such as all site works required as part of the construction,
- construction related labour, materials and equipment hire
- detailed design—e.g. the production of final or tender design drawings and/or specifications,
- itemised equipment purchase orders or quotes (with final invoices to be supplied)
- freight directly related to the project,
- management costs, e.g. technical or professional adviser fees third party (details of the Project management plan will be required),
- tradespeople or expert professionals who are engaged with delivering the project (all suppliers must have a valid ABN), and
- any other costs deemed eligible by Screen Queensland.
Ineligible expenditure items
Examples of ineligible expenditure items include (this is non exhaustive):
- accommodation and travel (including vehicle hire),
- transportation costs, e.g. motor vehicle, taxi, toll and parking costs,
- catering, hospitality, entertainment and official opening expenses, excluding permanent signage,
- core business and general ongoing operating costs of the applicant including utility costs, ongoing routine operating and maintenance costs, or rent or venue hire for day-to-day operations,
- contingency costs, i.e. money budgeted or set aside for costs not yet incurred,
- costs beyond the project period, e.g. ongoing costs for administration, operation, maintenance or management once the project has been completed,
- costs of receiving financial advice,
- electrical works or equipment outside the scope of the project,
- goods, services and fees from related parties, including companies with shareholdings or directors, board members, employees or immediate family,
- legal costs,
- marketing or advertising advice or services,
- other ongoing (recurrent) expenditure items,
- purchase of core business capital equipment, e.g. vehicles, office equipment, computers, laptops or mobile phones,
- repayment of debts and loans,
- salaries and wages of regular employees, and/or
- vehicle or office equipment leasing.
Screen Queensland’s decision upon the eligibility of a Project shall be final.
Approved projects must commence construction no later than six (6) months from signing of the funding agreement.
Where the project does not involve construction (e.g. purchase of new equipment), the equipment must be purchased and installed ready for use within six (6) months of signing the funding agreement.
Failure to meet such timeframes will prevent payment from being made until rectified and, without limiting Screen Queensland’s rights, may lead to termination of the relevant funding agreement.
Applicants are required to provide the following information during the application process:
- Completed and signed application form.
- Evidence that the business is physically based in the City of Gold Coast LGA. This can be via most recent rates notice or where the premises are leased a copy of registered lease.
- Where a business does not currently have a physical business location in the City of Gold Coast LGA but is looking to establish one, evidence such as rates notice, or registered lease will need to be provided prior to payment of the initial milestone.
- For infrastructure projects:
- Two recent written quotes from registered builders or licences contractors to cover the full scope of works; or
- A qualified quantity surveyor’s estimate.
- For equipment purchases:
- Two recent written quotes from suppliers providing full details of the equipment to be purchased, including any installation costs. Note: Quotes must be on letterhead and include name, ABN (if Australian) and website URL.
- A project timetable.
- Where the applicant does not own the premises on which the works are proposed, written consent must be provided from the property owner/landlord.
- Any other supporting documentation as requested by Screen Queensland.
All project costs need to be separated into eligible and ineligible items as defines in these guidelines and application form.
All applications are to be submitted through the Screen Queensland’s SmartyGrants online portal found here: https://screenqueensland.smartygrants.com.au/capitalgrantsgc24
Applications will not be accepted in person, by hand, email or post or once the closing date has passed.
Applicants will receive an instant email notification from SmartyGrants confirming submission of the application. If you do not receive this notification, please contact Screen Queensland on (07) 3248 0500.
During the assessment process Screen Queensland may seek advice of independent technical and industry experts to evaluate applications (and Screen Queensland may disclose information about your application for such purposes). All applications will be assessed against the following criteria:
- Has the applicant demonstrated how the investment will enhance competitive advantage, build capacity, and grow their small to medium business on the Gold Coast within a two-
- Has the applicant demonstrated how the investment will meet screen industry need on the Gold Coast; provide a direct benefit to the Queensland screen industry; and create jobs?
- Ability to deliver the project – has the applicant identified the resources, expertise and ability to deliver the project within two years from receiving the grant?
- Management and funding of ongoing costs – how will the cost of the project be funded beyond the grant funding? Expenses to consider include maintenance, operating costs, future life cycle replacement.
- Ability to access other funding sources. Evidence of confirmed financial contributions from other funding sources based on the matched funding requirements.
Applicants may be requested to provide additional follow up materials as part of the assessment process.
Notification of outcome
All applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application in writing.
Funding agreement
Successful applicants will be sent a Capital Grants Funding Agreement. The Capital Grants Funding Agreement is a legal agreement between Screen Queensland and the successful applicant and contains project deliverables, milestone dates, payment terms and other conditions of the grant (including, but not limited to, acknowledgement of Screen Queensland funding, evidence of insurances and detailed marketing/IP requirements). Provision of funding support to a successful applicant will be subject to and conditional upon the applicant further agreeing to and executing the Capital Grants Funding Agreement.
Grant funding will be released as follows (unless otherwise determined by Screen Queensland, in its sole discretion based on the application):
- Initial Milestone: between 50%-70% upon provision of a fully executed Capital Grants Funding Agreement,
- Mid-Project Milestone(s): 20%-40% upon completion of key mid-project milestone(s) for the relevant Project evidencing progression of the Project in accordance with the submitted schedule, satisfactory to SQ, and
- Completion Milestone: 10% upon completion of the final report and milestone being achieved, including certificate of practical completion (for works) or other evidence of full installation or delivery (as applicable) satisfactory to SQ.
Extensions of time to the approved project completion date will only be considered in exceptional circumstances for matters outside the applicant’s control and which could not have reasonably been foreseen. Applicants are required to formally request an extension of time, via SmartyGrants, detailing the unforeseen circumstance impacting on project completion, the actions taken to minimise the impact and the adjusted project plan and milestones. In addition to payment delays and non-payment, and without limiting Screen Queensland’s rights, failure to comply with the contractual requirements/milestones may lead to termination of the Capital Grants Funding Agreement.
The Queensland Government and/or Screen Queensland shall be entitled to make an announcement confirming funding recipients. Successful applicants may be requested to provide a quote for the announcement and/or participate in a media opportunity to support this. No media announcements to be made prior and applicants must seek and obtain SQ’s approval before contacting or responding to the media in relation to the Program.
Reporting requirements and acquittal
All funded projects will be monitored and evaluated by SQ to ensure the Program is achieving the program objectives. It is recommended applicants familiarise themselves with the project status and outcome report templates before submitting an application, to understand the obligations of the funding and the outcomes SQ is seeking from the Program.
Application Terms and Conditions
Joint applications will be considered as one application. While multiple organisations meeting the eligibility criteria may apply together as part of a joint application, one organisation must nominate to be the lead applicant and accept legal and financial responsibility for the Funding.
Submission of an application constitutes acceptance of these Guidelines and the application terms and conditions. Applicants may withdraw their application at any time up to and including the closing date. After the closing date, applicants wishing to withdraw their application must contact Screen Queensland via email at capitalgrantsgc@screenqld.com.au
Screen Queensland may undertake due diligence investigations in respect of any applicant and subject applications to technical, financial and economic appraisals. Screen Queensland may require an applicant to clarify or substantiate any claims, assumptions or commitment contained in an application or provide any additional information.
Your information will be used in accordance with Screen Queensland’s Privacy Policy (as amended from time to time) and this Privacy Notice and Consent Form, which you agree to by submitting an application and providing any further submissions or clarification.
Applicants must notify Screen Queensland in writing if they have an actual, perceived or potential conflict of interest in applying for the Funding and, if so, the manner in which they propose to deal with the conflict.
The applicant retains all intellectual property rights in its submission. The applicant grants an irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty and fee free licence to Screen Queensland to use, adapt and modify its intellectual property rights in its submission for the purposes of Screen Queensland analysing and evaluating the applicant’s submission. By submitting an application, the applicant authorises the use and/or publication of the applicant’s name and details of the Project: a) in relation to any promotional or advertising purposes in conjunction with the Program; and/or b) for Screen Queensland’s corporate purposes.
Applicants agree and understand that any funding is discretionary, and any approvals are subject to funding being available.
Screen Queensland’s liability in relation to the application, the application process and all related matters to the application is limited to $1.
Screen Queensland reserves the right to change any element of the Funding, these Guidelines or the application process, at any time and in its absolute discretion. This may include termination of the further participation of any applicant in the application process and the termination or reinstatement of the Program itself or any process in the Program.
Screen Queensland Content team
(07) 3248 0500