Screen Queensland’s Screen Culture Fund invests in events that help grow a successful screen industry in Queensland. There are two funding rounds each year, open to local film and games festivals, industry conferences and other events. The Screen Culture fund enables vital screening and networking platforms across the state for local practitioners while providing audiences and industry access to diverse and inspirational screen content.
Applications closed on Friday 28 February 2025 for Round One events occurring between Tuesday 1 July and Wednesday 31 December 2025.
Applications are open for our Screen Culture Fund in two rounds each financial year:
- Round 1 (open approx. July/August)
- available for events occurring from January to June of the following year
- Round 2 (open approx. December/January)
- available for events occurring from July to December.
Applicants can apply for one of four funding levels, which include:
- Up to $150,000 per annum for significant cultural festivals and events
- Events seeking funding under this category must apply under Round 1
- Up to $25,000 for touring festivals visiting 6 or more regional centres across Queensland.
- Events seeking funding under this category must apply under Round 1
- Up to $8,000 per application for festivals/screenings
- Applications should not be for less than $2,000 for a single project
- Multi-year funding for festivals with Queensland attendance above 10,000
- Festivals that can provide evidence and track record of Queensland audience attendance above 10,000 may be eligible for funding for two (2) concurrent years
Funding is competitive to ensure Screen Queensland can support a broad range of events. Funding allocations may be less than requested amounts. Screen Queensland determines levels of funding on a case-by-case basis and reserves the right to vary the amounts applied for by applicants.
The assessment process and the demand on available funds will determine the total level of Screen Queensland’s funding commitment within each round.
Any individual, business and/or organisation providing benefits to Queensland’s screen culture can apply.
To be eligible, applicants must:
- meet the general eligible requirements set out in Screen Queensland’s Terms of Trade including, but limited to the following:
- A. Being an Australian incorporated entity;
- B. Having a valid ABN
- demonstrate that they have the appropriate capacity, experience and track record to develop and implement their event proposal including their business, financial, marketing and contingency plans
- demonstrate that the event proposal fulfils a need and interest in the community and how it will provide new opportunities for Queensland industry and/or public and evidence of community support
- outline event milestones through a marketing plan and indicate if there is any media support if relevant
- provide evidence of any third-party finance such as sponsors, as well as any plans to develop relationships in the private sector which would support the development and delivery of the event.
Applicants who have any outstanding acquittal reports or who have not fulfilled their obligations from a prior screen culture program with Screen Queensland are not eligible to apply.
What types of events are eligible?
Eligible events include:
- screen festivals that showcase diverse and engaging content and that, where possible, highlight Queensland-created content and practitioners
- public events that engage and inform Queensland audiences about screen culture activities, promote film as a cultural experience and facilitate an understanding of the Queensland and Australian screen industry
- workshops and conferences may be eligible for funding where they engage the screen industry
- tours and/or visitations by leading filmmakers about projects of significance to screen practitioners that foster debate, discussion and peer contact
- online film festivals and events seeking to engage Queensland audiences and industry
- games festivals that showcase Queensland-created content and connect with the general public to promote awareness of the games sector as a creative industry.
Ineligible events include:
- internationally-held screen culture events
- publications or magazines about screen
- development and production of screen content and games development workshops
- advertising and marketing events i.e. film advertising, marketing of a project and promotional film screenings including premieres
- professional mentorships/attachments (unless otherwise specified)
- travel to attend international film festivals for film screenings
- private events and non-related screen culture events (i.e fundraising).
Applications must be made online through Screen Queensland’s SmartyGrants system via the Apply now button above.
You will be required to supply the following as part of your application:
- an event outline
- CVs and bios of all key personnel
- business plan
- marketing and audience development plan
- budget and finance plan.
Applicants can provide additional material they believe will be beneficial to the application. Screen Queensland will inform you in writing of any missing materials and you will have 10 business days to supply the missing documents. If you do not supply requested materials within that period, the application will be deemed to have been withdrawn.
As part of the application process, you will be able to choose which peer panel you would prefer to assess your application.
The peer panels will include external experts who will provide recommendations to Screen Queensland. Your selection should be based on your own cultural identity and the type of festival or event that is the subject of your application. The panels are:
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Screen Culture and Community Development
- Screen Culture and Community Development
Please allow for system downtime or internet service provider problems when completing your application and save the application regularly.
Please note late applications cannot be accepted. Screen Queensland reserves the right to not accept incomplete applications. Application material will not be returned by Screen Queensland.
An automated email will be sent to you within 30 minutes of submitting your application to confirm that Screen Queensland has received your application. It is the applicant’s responsibility to contact Screen Queensland if you do not receive an application receipt email.
Screen Queensland assesses each application, taking into consideration:
- the business plan
- how the requested funding will be used to achieve the business plan’s objectives
- financing plans for the development and production of the event
- the event proposal, including
- any regional components
- the diversity of screen content that the community would not otherwise have access to
- the quality and viability of the proposal (Does it fulfil a need and/or interest in the community?)
- background information on the event
- an explanation of how the event will present new opportunities for Queensland filmmakers and the public
- how the event aims to maximise Queensland and/or Australian screen content in the program
- evidence of community support
- expected levels of audience attendance
- the audience development plan
- appropriate to the scale of the event and providing a clear strategy for attracting attendees and post-market surveys
- outlining financing plans for marketing
- demonstrating viability and ability to implement marketing plan
- including the level of media support, if any
- the track record
- previous performance and delivery of similar events
- previous career and professional development success and any awards and/or professional or industry recognition
- the network of business relationships allowing the business and event plans to be achieved
- the expertise and skills of the applicant and their ability to successfully realise the business plan
- resources
- the viability of submitted budget
- relationships with, or plans to develop relationships in the private sector which will support the production and sustainability of the event
- evidence of third-party cash and in-kind contributions including private equity
- business and marketing skills
- the equipment and facilities available to deliver applicants’ business plan.
Submission of an application constitutes an acceptance of these Guidelines and the application terms and conditions.
Your information will be used in accordance with Screen Queensland’s Privacy Policy which you hereby agree to by submitting this application.
Applicants must notify Screen Queensland in writing if they have an actual, perceived, or potential conflict of interest in applying for the Funding and, if so, the manner in which they propose to deal with the conflict.
The Applicant retains all intellectual property rights in its submission. The Applicant grants an irrevocable, non-exclusive royalty and fee free license to Screen Queensland to use, adapt, and modify its intellectual property rights in its submission for the purposes of Screen Queensland analysing and evaluating the applicant’s submission.
Screen Queensland’s liability in relation to the application process is limited to $1.
Screen Queensland reserves the right to change any element of the funding, these guidelines or the application process at any time and in its absolute discretion.
The application and any incentive approved by Screen Queensland are commercial in confidence and Screen Queensland and the applicant must maintain confidentiality.
You must read our Terms of Trade, QPE definition and our corporate and strategic plans before preparing your application.

Creative Industries Partnerships team
07 3248 0500