Location Scouting Assistance

Location Scouting Assistance

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Location assistance

Screen Queensland provides location assistance in the form of:

> Script location breakdowns
> Bespoke location presentations
> Production liaison for long-form projects shooting or looking to shoot in Queensland.

The agency can also assist productions with contacts and liaison to local, State and Federal Government agencies to facilitate their long-form production, in line with the Film Friendly Pathways Program.

Queensland location managers

Queensland is home to some of Australia’s most experienced location managers, the majority of whom have also worked on projects interstate and overseas guiding productions through the process of filming on State and Federal Government land and water.

Scouting assistance

Generally reserved for interstate and international inbounds, Screen Queensland may provide scouting support to long-form productions based upon the production’s stage of development and its estimated Queensland spend (QPE).

Support through the scouting program is available for projects prior to commencement of pre-production and prior to, or during financing.

Scouting assistance may include covering some of the costs associated with on-ground travel including vehicle hire, accommodation, flights, helicopter/boat surveys and the contracting of a local location manager by Screen Queensland.

About our program

The Location Scouting Assistance Program aims to assist productions to gain contacts that may support their project's location requirements, as well as connecting them with Local Government Authorities (LGAs) and state government agencies, in line with SQ's Film Friendly Pathways Program.

Screen Queensland has a long history of assisting productions looking to shoot within its borders and is in the ideal position to help facilitate long-form productions.


> Queensland Production Expenditure (QPE) must be equal to or greater than A$1 million
> Assistance is available to interstate and international production companies
> Additional long-form productions will be considered based on the production’s stage of development and estimated QPE.

Preparing your application

You can apply for location scouting assistance via the online application form above. You will be able to preview for application before completing.

You will be required to provide details of your production including a budget top sheet, dates and key creatives.

Before you apply make sure you read through:

> Funding Guidelines
> Terms of Trade


+61 7 3248 0500