SQ News

A few reminders on International Women’s Day!

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The screen industry plays a critical role in how woman are viewed in society by how they are represented and reflected on screen.

Screen Queensland will continue to work towards removing barriers for female screen practitioners to ensure more diversity both in front and behind the camera.

Our hope is that one day there will be no need for International Women’s Day as we work towards greater equality for women.


SQ is currently undertaking Research and Measure Outcomes to preface the roll-out of our new Gender Parity Program initiative in the latter part of this year including:

evaluate (numbers and percentages) of applications and funding of women in key creative roles (writer, director, and producer) across relevant SQ programs and initiatives;

carry out the Bechdel Test on scripts submitted as part of applications/funded across relevant SQ programs and initiatives.

SQ will be rolling out new Gender Parity Program initiatives in the latter part of this year including:

Women’s Filmmaker Showcase: create an online female filmmaking showcase to promote existing female writers, directors and producers and their work;

Mentor and Leadership Program: establish a mentor and leadership program designed to pair established filmmakers with early career female screenwriters, directors and producers;

Creative Attachments: Provide creative attachments opportunities for women in key creative roles;

Incubate: Develop and hold an annual incubator with international leaders in the industry to gather intelligence and implement best practice to grow women’s participation in creative roles in Queensland’s screen sector.

trish lake



Please find below a link to a radio interview Trish Lake did on ABC Stateline with Sarah Howell discussing women’s place in film:





Screen Australia Gender Matters: Brilliant Stories

Applications close 4.00pm QLD TIME (5pm AEDT)

Friday 18 March 2016

Click here to apply



The Brilliant Stories Fund is a targeted initiative to recognise, celebrate and support storytelling by women.

SQ is calling out to all female practitioners to collaborate and get involved with the Screen Australia Gender Matters program.

We want to ensure that conversations, connections and working relationships are currently taking place in our local industry so that our female practitioners can take advantage of this progressive Screen Australia initiative.

We would love to hear how you are tracking with your applications or if you need assistance from SQ with your application.



Screen Australia is looking for projects from teams that come from diverse backgrounds and that have bold, original and compelling story concepts. The fund is open and flexible. It encourages projects from all fiction genres (drama, comedy, sci-fi, horror, thriller, etc.) across any delivery platform and for any identified audience.

What funding is available?

  • up to $100,000 for feature fiction films to move a project from concept towards production.
  • up to $50,000 for scripted television to develop an inventive concept of any genre into a series bible and/or series outline and/or first draft of a first episode script.
  • up to $50,000 for scripted online and interactive to enable teams to realise their unique and compelling story concepts.

Who can apply?

This fund is open to everyone; however, the project must not have previously applied for feature drama funding through the Story Development program or the Feature Development program, and must have at least three of the following elements in the 3 Tick Test:

✓Female producer

✓Female director

✓Female writer

✓Female writer/director (counts for 2 ticks)

✓Female protagonist




All applications must be received by 4pm AEST QLD time (5pm AEDT) on Friday 18 March 2016.

Final decisions will be made on Friday 24 June 2016.


Applications for the Gender Matters: Brilliant Stories will be accepted through Screen Australia’s online application portal.


Free call: 1800 507 901


Specific requirements apply where there is Indigenous community participation or content involved in a project. Please refer to the Screen Australia website.

For further details on this program and eligibility, please read the Program Guidelines.





Screen Australia recognises the importance and value of women in the screen industry, both in business and as storytellers. They also recognise that in order to make a real difference to women’s participation in the industry, there needs to be a holistic integrated approach to people, projects and business.

Brilliant Careers is a flexible and responsive initiative that aims to:

  • empower and increase the participation of women in the screen industry
  • stimulate ideas that will lead to the creation of business and industry infrastructure that is sustainable and self-generating
  • encourage proposals that will create viable career pathways and professional development opportunities to ensure ongoing renewal of women in the industry

Screen Australia is looking for proposals that are strategic about the “big picture” connections between people, careers, projects, business, marketplace and audiences.



What funding is available?

You may request up to $250,000 per proposal. While this is the upper limit, Screen Australia encourages a range of budget sizes commensurate with the scale of your idea. A lower ask might make your proposal more competitive.

Who can apply?

Eligibility is open to companies, industry organisations and guilds that have the capacity to implement and deliver on their proposal.


All applications must be received by 4pm AEST QLD time (5pm AEDT) on Friday 8 April 2016.

Final decisions will be made on Friday 24 June 2016.





Applications for the Gender Matters: Brilliant Careers will be accepted through Screen Australia’s online application portal.


Free call: 1800 507 901


Specific requirements apply where there is Indigenous community participation or content involved in a project. Please refer to the Screen Australia website.

For further details on this program and eligibility, please click here.

Here are some tips to get you on your way –


To speak with a member of the SQ Development & Production team, please contact +61 7 3248 0500 or email the team here.

Kind Regards,

Tracey Vieira and the SQ team

