SQ News

Applications are now open for SQ Projector 2016

After the success of 2015’s SQ Projector initiative, Screen Queensland (SQ) is excited to announce the return of the Program in 2016.

 SQ Projector 2016 supports creative teams to fast-track feature film projects with a focus on script and story development and strategies to connect with markets and audiences in Australia and internationally.

 SQ Projector snapshot

  • Aimed at early-to-mid career practitioners, SQ Projector will be convened again by international story consultant Wendall Thomas (see Wendall’s bio below.)
  • Program funding is for three (3) teams, each comprising a producer, writer and (where attached) a director.
  • All teams will attend two development workshops and receive script development support ahead of the 37ºSouth Market in Melbourne (to be held in late July/early August.)
  • Additional workshops and the support of a mentor producer will also provide insights into the feature film market and how to successfully pitch a project.
  • Projects will be at first or second draft stage and have the potential to connect with audiences and an estimated budget of no more than $5 million.
  • Applications close at 9am (AEST) (QLD) Monday 15 February 2016.  
  • ** Late applications will not be assessed.

What Projector funding is available?

  • Two development workshops.
  • Script development support.
  • Mentoring.
  • Travel/accommodation costs for producers attending 37ºSouth in Melbourne.
  • Reasonable travel costs for participants needing to travel from outside of Brisbane to attend workshops in South East Queensland.

Who can apply?

  • Queensland creative teams of at least one (1) writer and one (1) producer (and, where attached, a director).
  • Team members should have no more than two feature film credits in the role for which they are attached.
  • In exceptional circumstances, more experienced practitioners (those with more than two feature film credits in the role for which they are attached) may form teams with those with fewer credits where it can be demonstrated that the opportunity will build the career and experience of an early-mid career practitioner.
  • All participants (producer, writer and director) must be available to attend the two workshops in Brisbane (dates below) and producers must be able to commit to travelling to Melbourne for the 37º South Market in late July / early August (dates to be confirmed).
  • At least two members of the creative team must be bona fide Queensland residents. Projects that intend to shoot in Queensland will be viewed more favourably.

    When do I need to apply?

Applications close at 9am (AEST) (QLD) Monday 15 February 2016. Late applications will not be assessed.

How do I apply?

Applications are through the SmartyGrants website.

An automated application email will be sent to you within 30 minutes as confirmation that SQ has received your application. It is the applicant’s responsibility to contact Screen Queensland if you do not receive an application receipt email.

What documents do I need to provide?

All applications must include:

  • The latest draft of the screenplay (no more than 120 pages)
  • CVs for all members of the team
  • Links to the director’s previous work (if applicable)
  • A team creative statement no longer than two pages, encompassing
  • A producer’s statement outlining financing, market and development strategy for the project, including details of any sales agents and/or distributors who are aware of the project
  • Notes from the writer outlining next steps for development
  • Director’s notes (if applicable)

Incomplete applications will not be assessed.

How will my application be assessed?

Screen Queensland will assess each application against the following criteria:

  • the strength, originality and commerciality of the idea or concept
  • the track record of the team
  • the quality of the storytelling
  • the development strategy and the team’s understanding of the steps required to take the script and project forwards
  • the potential of the project to reach its specified audience (including an assessment, where applicable, of cast and market attachments)
  • the potential of the project to be realised on its specified budget (including an assessment of production and development budgets relative to that audience)
  • the potential benefit to the Queensland screen industry.
  • Eligible applications will be assessed by two readers. Screen Queensland publishes the names of its external assessors on its website and applicants should indicate any conflicts of interest in writing at the point of making the application.

 Please note that Screen Queensland is committed to its SQ Gender Parity Program for which details can be found here.


Applications close 9am (AEST) (QLD) Monday 15 February 2016

First workshop: 17 – 20 March
Convener Consultations: May 
Second workshop:  25 – 28 July* 
37ºSouth Market:  30 July 30 – 2 August*

*subject to 37ºSouth Market confirmation


Please ensure you read the SQ Projector guidelines here.

Want to speak to a member of the SQ team?

If you have read the guidelines and would still like to talk to SQ, please contact Christian Gesche in the SQ Poduction & Development team:
E: cgesche@screenqld.com.au
P: 07 3248 0500