SQ News

Applications now open for Queensland experienced writer-producer team to take part in eQuinoxe Europe workshop

Screen Queensland (SQ) is calling for applications from experienced writer-producer teams with a great idea for a television series and a promising pilot script to take part in the 2015 eQuinoxe Europe (Australian) workshop.

eQuinoxe Europe is returning to Australia after its successful 2014 edition to present its acclaimed screenwriting program for professionals.

SQ will be selecting one team to participate in the seven-day residential screenwriting workshop being held as a satellite activity at Pullman’s Bunker Bay resort in the Margaret River region of Western Australia from Friday 28 August to Friday 4 September as part of the CinefestOZ Film Festival.

The Queensland team will be one of six Australian and one New Zealand team to take their projects through the renowned professional screenwriting program, hailed by Screen International as Europe’s leading script development program, and celebrated for its rigour and the high production strike rate for selected projects.

Applications are open to experienced teams (writer/s, producer/s) with a television drama series in development, and a pilot/episode script at least at second draft stage.

Applications close Wednesday 1 July 2015.

Key dates

Applications close: Wednesday 1 July 2015

Shortlisted applicants notified: Wednesday 8 July 2015

Shortlist interviews: Thursday 9 July 2015 – Friday 10 July 2015

Successful team notified: Monday 13 July 2015

Workshop dates: Friday 28 August 2015 – Friday 4 September 4 2015

Who can apply?

Screen Queensland’s eQuinoxe Europe place is open to experienced bona fide Queensland writers, working with an experienced producer or production company.

Writers must demonstrate professional writing credits or a demonstrable body of work on long-form drama. Producers must be credited drama producers with a strong track record.

Projects that intend to shoot in Queensland will be viewed more favourably in the formal assessment process.

All participants must be available to attend the workshop in Western Australia between Friday August 28 2015 and Friday September 4 2015 (with producers required only for the final two days).

The workshop partners (which include eQuinoxe Europe, Screen Australia, Screen Queensland, and other state agencies) will provide flights, accommodation, and workshop costs for the successful team.

What do I need to provide in order to apply?

All applications must include:

A short synopsis of the television series idea;

A series bible or outline of key characters and storylines;

The latest draft of the pilot/episode script;

CVs for all members of the team;

A statement outlining the financing, market and development strategy for the project.

How will my application be assessed?

All applications will be assessed by two assessors, and on the following criteria:
The strength of the idea or concept

The track record of the team

The quality of the storytelling
The development strategy and the team’s understanding of the steps required to take the script and project forwards

The potential of the project to reach its specified audience (including an assessment, where applicable, of cast and market attachments)

The potential of the project to be realised on its specified budget (including an assessment of production and development budgets relative to that audience)

The potential benefit to the Queensland screen industry

A shortlist will be made and ratified at a shortlisting meeting on the basis of assessments.

Shortlisted applicants will be invited to interview.

A decision meeting will determine the final outcome, and this will be communicated to successful and unsuccessful shortlisted teams.

How do I apply?

Screen Queensland has moved its application process to a new online system. You can apply online at http://screenqueensland.smartygrants.com.au/equinoxeeurope2015

Please allow for system down time or internet service provider problems when completing your application and save the application regularly.

Please note late applications cannot be accepted.

Screen Queensland reserves the right to not accept incomplete applications.

An automated application email will be sent to you within 30 minutes as confirmation that Screen Queensland has received your application. It is the applicant’s responsibility to contact Screen Queensland if you do not receive an application receipt email.

Who is the SQ eQuinoxe Europe contact?

Cieron Cody
Manager – Development | Screen Queensland
Phone: (+61) 7 3248 0500

About eQuinoxe Europe

eQuinoxe Europe screenwriter workshops focus on both the writers and the producers of the selected projects.

Writers will attend the full workshop, which will focus on identifying and addressing elements of the screenplay that are preventing it reaching its full potential.

The workshops are distinguished by the creative, collegiate environment and the rigorous discussion between the writers and the advisors. Participants in the workshop have the rare opportunity to discuss their work with experienced screenwriters and filmmakers from different cultural and professional backgrounds, leading to creative breakthroughs and the potential for co- financing. The culture is one of professionals working together to solve script problems and the emphasis is on helping the writers to make the strongest choices for their screenplay in order to expedite the pathway to production.

Producers are invited for the last two days of the workshop to work with the writers and advisors on the development strategy of the project.

The attending producers also benefit from an informal session with a film lawyer. The selected teams will work with five advisors, four of whom will be international practitioners.

Participants benefit from the opportunity to interact with writers and producers from across Australia-NZ and producers find the connections with producers from other states particularly useful in the development of the finance plan.

eQuinoxe is designed for experienced, rather than emerging, writers with projects at least at second draft.

Regular advisors include Jim Hart (Dracula, Epic, Crossbones) Martin Sherman (Bent, Mrs Henderson Presents), Greg Widen (The Highlander), Anthony McCarten (The Theory of Everything), Neil Hunter (Sparkle), Susanne Schneider (The Day Will Come) and David Magee (Life of Pi, Finding Neverland).

See www.eQuinoxe-Europe.org for more details.