SQ News

Call for Expression of Interest – External Assessors

An expressions of interest (EOI) is now open for members of the Queensland screen community interested in registering as external assessors to assess applications received by Screen Queensland’s competitive funding programs.


Screen Queensland supports a creative, innovative and successful screen industry through development and production investment; secures production to Queensland; and delivers an active screen culture across the State.

Central to this are SQ’s core funding programs –

– Development Investment

– Production Investment

– Travel and Marketing Grants

as well as a number of targeted programs and special initiatives.

Following a review of its core funding programs, Screen Queensland has published new guidelines aimed at simplifying the application, assessment and approvals process and ensuring the fair, transparent and astute assessment of projects and people applying for funding.

The assessment process for core funding programs is carried out in stages:

1. Eligibility

2. Assessment – rating against published criteria

3. Review of recommendations

4. Approval

External assessors assist with Stage 2 (Assessment – rating against published criteria) of the SQ assessment process.

The role of an external assessor is to individually read and assess applications assigned to them by SQ, based on their industry expertise, and prepare written recommendation papers to be reviewed by SQ ahead of a review of recommendations, decision meeting and approval.

Support and payment

External assessors will be provided with:

– the relevant funding guidelines

– Screen Queensland’s terms of trade

– Screen Queensland assessment templates

New assessors will go through an induction ahead of taking up their role and ongoing support will be available from SQ program staff as necessary.

Payment will be at the standard agreed rate for the program and payable on delivery of the written recommendation report.

Any travel expenses incurred in this process will be met by SQ.

Selection of external assessors

Following receipts of expressions of interest, Screen Queensland will add to its pool of external assessors. Selection of assessors will be based on:

– Professional track record

– Knowledge and understanding of the Australian and international screen industry

– Experience in professional assessment/commissioning of projects for the screen

Once selected as part of the SQ assessors’ pool, external assessors may be contacted to ascertain their availability either to assess in a particular round or as part of a rolling funding program.

A full list of names of external assessors will appear on Screen Queensland’s website. Individual assessors will not be identified by name as part of feedback following the assessment process.

Submission of EOI

Please CLICK HERE to download an External Assessor EOI form.

Please submit your Expression of Interest in hard copy by Australia Post or in soft copy by email by Monday 25 May 2015 to:

Christian Gesche
Development Coordinator
Screen Queensland
PO Box 15094
City East Brisbane QLD AUS 4002

Email: cgesche@screenqld.com.au I Phone: 07 3248 0500

You should include:

– A completed EOI form outlining your skills and experience

– A current curriculum vitae

SQ is particularly keen to hear from potential assessors with industry experience and expertise in drama (broadcast and online), factual (all platforms), games, and projects with Indigenous content (all platforms).

With this expression of interest invitation and new guidelines, SQ continues to build and encourage closer collaboration with local industry in building a robust industry which plays a significant role in the global screen marketplace.

– Screen Queensland