Screen Queensland’s Attachment Program supported eight Queensland-based practitioners to join Young Rock (Season 2), which filmed in locations across South-East Queensland.
Attachment positions provide paid, on-the-job experience for emerging screen practitioners to work closely with key crew and creatives on Screen Queensland-supported projects and develop their practical skills, careers and professional networks.
We spoke with three of the Young Rock (Season 2) attachments about their experience — Director and Producer’s Assistant, Hannah Smith, Production Assistant, Shila Khezrinassab and Sound Assistant, Jess Neumann.
HANNAH: I assisted and worked alongside Director Jeffrey Walker, and observed every step of his daily process. I was encouraged to use and develop my own skillset by attending recces, storyboarding, blocking and directing my own scenes in the splinter and Second Unit. I was able to create my own scenes from start to finish, by applying the skills and knowledge I had observed while watching Jeffrey work.
SHILA: Throughout my experience as Production Assistant on Young Rock (Season 2), I had the opportunity to work both on and off set assisting various departments. I was mainly based in the production office, working alongside the Production Coordinator, where I was the first point-of-contact for visitors and assisted with the production team’s administrative tasks, including:
- The organisation, distribution, and filing of confidential production documentation into industry-standard databases
- Data-entry of cast and crew information
- Inputting purchase orders for our accounts, stocktaking and ordering consumables and stationery
- Forming a range of ongoing business contacts in order to recurrently source equipment requested by cast, crew and executives
- Welcoming new staff members into the office and assisting them with their office set-up and IT requirements
- Maintenance of the office space
I was also given the opportunity to work directly with the executive producers and cast members throughout several shoot days on-set. Additionally, I was able to assist the assistant directors, Covid-19 department and locations department onset during their busier work days.
JESS: In the sound department, my main priority was bringing in the batteries that charged overnight and preparing for the day ahead, which included unloading the van, putting batteries into IFBs and handing them out, running cables to video and jamming all cameras and slates. My team encouraged and allowed me to do some booming and help with radio micing cast, which was such an amazing learning experience. I felt that every day I was learning something new and improving my skills.
HANNAH: Directing was definitely the highlight! What made it so special was being able to work alongside colleagues who, by the end of my placement, I could call friends. To be able to play and direct officially with a team who trusted and supported me has allowed me to grow both in confidence and creativity.
SHILA: A highlight of my time spent on Young Rock (Season 2) was being given the opportunity to work closely with the executive producers and co-creators of the show, for a couple days as their on-set assistant. Through this experience, I was able to work on-set more, and had a front row seat of the show-creators’ constructive and creative decision-making concerning the shooting of a scene.
JESS: The highlight of working on Young Rock (Season 2) was getting to know so many incredible people in the crew and cast. I felt we were all a big family by the end of the show, and that is something that is very special to me. Everybody supported each other and had something to teach me about the film industry.
HANNAH: This attachment has afforded me the unique opportunity of being able to play and direct a set on a sizeable international production with an extremely professional team. This was extremely valuable for my career, and I have obtained crucial experience and insights that I will take with me onto future projects.
SHILA: Through Screen Queensland’s Attachment Program, I had the unique opportunity to work both on and off set assisting various departments — from working in the production office, assisting the line producer and production coordination team, to supporting the assistant directors and gaining valuable insight into creative decision-making with the show’s co-creators, directors and executive producers. Alongside strengthening my skills in production management and coordination, it’s been a great added bonus to develop industry connections and learn from the seasoned crew’s work ethic, strategies and expertise. This experience has been very insightful, as prior to this attachment, I’d mainly worked within the creative and developmental team on independent films, and within the production team of medium-sized production companies on smaller-scale shoots. This further exposure has broadened my scope of knowledge towards large-scale, studio-produced television production development, coordination and management. I’ll be able to bring these transferrable practical skill-sets and learnings into my future work roles, and projects within the creative and entertainment industries.
JESS: Working on Young Rock (Season 2) was such an incredible experience to grow and learn in the sound department. My team, led by Dane Cody, welcomed me with open arms and taught me so much. After a couple of months working on Young Rock, it started to feel like home with such an amazing crew and cast. From filming on the snowing football fields to the wrestling ring, there was never a dull moment on set. I want to thank Screen Queensland, Dane Cody and the Young Rock (Season 2) production for this amazing opportunity.