- Film Location Offset increase boosts local screen industry
- Premier applauds Federal Government for its Budget move
- Screen Queensland praises state government for continued calls
The Palaszczuk Government has applauded the Albanese Government’s decision to lift the film location tax offset to 30 per cent in a major boost to the local screen industry.
As part of the 2023-24 Federal Budget, $112.2 million over four years has been committed the Location Offset – lifting it from 16.5 per cent to a wholly transparent 30 per cent.
The increase, to start on 1 July, ensures Queensland and Australia will be far more globally competitive in the screen market.
Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk first began campaigning for an increase to the Location Offset in 2015 and has labelled the decision a huge boost for the state and Screen Queensland.
The federal offset works in combination with Screen Queensland’s Production Attraction Strategy (PAS), to secure inbound productions.
Since 2018, two separate programs have run concurrently to ensure Australia’s competitiveness as a production location – the 16.5% Location Offset and the 13.5% Location Incentive Grant.
Last night’s budget announcement to transition to a 30% Location Offset will streamline the process and provide long term certainty to investors.
Since 2015-16, the PAS has brought 48 international and interstate productions to the state, contributing more than $1.33 billion to the local economy and creating more than 14,000 jobs for Queensland cast and crew.
During the 2021-22 financial year, the Queensland Government, through Screen Queensland, supported 45 productions and digital games which injected $229.3 million into the local economy and created 5,400 jobs.
Quotes attributable to Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk:
“I’ve been calling for more federal assistance in this space for years and I’m very pleased this federal government has responded,” the Premier said.
“For Australia to remain competitive in the global screen market, we needed this.
“The Location Offset increase really helps in ensuring blockbuster movies and television series are filmed in Queensland and it will take our already thriving screen industry to a new level.
“Our state will be able to attract more big productions, creating more jobs for Queenslanders.
“This has a flow-on effect for the wider community including tourism and accommodation, catering and hospitality, transport, construction industries and many more.
“Australia previously had one of the lowest Location Offsets globally, which had hurt our chances of attracting top-quality productions, but now we can look forward to more international feature films and high-end TV series being filmed and produced in Queensland.”
Quotes attributable to Screen Queensland Acting CEO Dr Belinda Burns:
“This outstanding news is the outcome of a large-scale, united lobbying effort, led by Ausfilm with the support of screen agencies such as ourselves and other screen industry bodies, with the backing of the Premier and the State Treasurer,” said Dr Burns.
“We expect this news will generate many more enquiries from interested producers, looking for an ideal combination of attractive incentives, stunning locations, expert crew and studio facilities, such as Screen Queensland Studios, Cairns, currently under construction.
“The ongoing combination of federal incentives in conjunction with our Production Attraction Strategy underpins Queensland’s 30-plus year reputation as a leading, global production destination, and ensures we maintain an internationally competitive position.
“Together with our outstanding Queensland-made productions, international productions provide job opportunities and targeted traineeships for skilled Queensland crew, and valuable opportunities for Queensland businesses including post-production houses, creating a deep economic and cultural impact.”
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Media contact
Amanda Lawson, Head of Marketing and Communications
07 3248 0500