SQ News

TURIA PITT announced as keynote speaker for SQ IncubatHER

Screen Queensland (SQ) is thrilled to announce Turia Pitt will deliver the keynote address at the SQ incubatHER event on Thursday 21 July at QUT Gardens Point and as part of the SQ Gender Parity Program.

SQ incubatHER, supported by QUT, is bringing together industry leaders and practitioners to join in conversations and share ideas and strategies on the best practice to grow women’s participation in creative roles in Queensland’s screen sector.  It will focus on production | development | women in business | pitching | YouTube | financing your project.

Turia, one of Australia’s most admired people, will deliver a keynote address that is certain to astonish and inspire her audience, with plenty of laughs too.

Other special guests who will participate and lead panel discussions, break-out and pitching sessions across the day include Matchbox Pictures, Bunya Productions, Roadshow Films, YouTube, WildBear Entertainment, Simpson Lawyers and Sonia Borella with more special guests to be announced soon.

Date: Thursday 21 July, 2016

Time: 9.30am – 6.00pm

Venue: Room 360, QUT Gardens Point, George Street, Brisbane

HOW TO REGISTER – 2 steps!


To register your participation in sessions across the day and order of preference, please fill in the incubatHER registration form.

Places are filling fast!


There is a nominal charge of $20 per person (plus Eventbrite fee of $1.89) to attend. Please note this cost includes morning tea, lunch and a networking session at the close of the day with canapés and drinks.

CLICK HERE to purchase your ticket and confirm your place.

About Turia Pitt:

In 2011, age 24, Turia was an ex-model, fitness junkie and successful mining engineer, when she was caught in a freak firestorm while competing in a 100 km ultramarathon in Western Australia.  She was choppered out of the remote desert barely alive, with full thickness burns to 64 per cent of her body.

Surviving against overwhelming odds is the least of her achievements. Turia has gone on to thrive in the ultimate story of triumph over adversity with her pure grit and indomitable spirit and passion.

Turia’s enthralling message of overcoming adversity and the need to never ever give up is certain to motivate you … out of your chair, and into life.  The standing ovation she was given at her TED talk is a testament to her skills as an orator.

Turia’s motto ‘never ever give up’ resonates with people from all walks of life – anyone, anywhere, who refuses to be limited by circumstance.  She is a true and profound inspiration to all those she meets.

In the last few weeks, Turia competed in her first Ironman competition, released a new online motivational program, as well as walked the Kokoda trail to raise money for Interplast, a not for profit organisation that she is closely aligned to. Turia has raised close to a $1 million since she began working with the organisation several years ago.  Turia will be releasing a new book this year and follows on from her first book, “Everything to Live For”.

Further details on guests, panels and breakout sessions coming your way!

We hope you can join us at this special event.

Kind regards,

Screen Queensland

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