SQ News

MIFF 37ºSouth Market Applications Open

Are you a producer seeking to:

> Advance your film script’s financing with sales agents and distributors at 37ºSouth: Bridging the Gap?

> Have your completed film viewed by sales agents and distributors at 37ºSouth: Breakthru Screenings?

> Source new content ideas from publishers at 37ºSouth’s Books at MIFF and screenwriters at 37ºSouth: PostScript&Direct?

Time to apply for 2016’s MIFF 37ºSouth Market.

– For information go to www.miff37degreesSouth.com

– To apply click here

– Questions? Click here

Second look deadline – 5 May 2016.

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Organised by the industry programs unit of the Melbourne International Film Festival (MIFF), which is Australia’s largest and oldest film festival, MIFF 37ºSouth Market brings the global film financing marketplace to Melbourne in the opening days of MIFF.

Australia’s only film co-financing market in a film festival environment, MIFF 37ºSouth Market enables Australian producers with market-ready feature-length projects to meet with key international film co-financiers in Melbourne. The emphasis is on producers pitching projects to financiers with the aim of deepening marketplace relationships and generating financier interest in their slates.

MIFF 37ºSouth Market is the exclusive Australia/NZ partner of the London Production Finance Market (PFM).