Location: Screen Queensland Studios, Cairns
Date and time: Tuesday 21 May, 10am to 3:30pm
Cost: Free
Applications closed Monday 13 May.
Screen Queensland is offering a free note-taking workshop for up to 10 emerging North and Far North Queensland screenwriters in Cairns on Tuesday 21 May. Learn the ins-and-outs of note-taking with screenwriter, script producer and director Libby Butler.
Note-taking is the gateway for many into writers’ rooms and is a vital role that ensures all discussions within the writer’s room are recorded, edited and organised for the writers. In this workshop, participants will become industry-ready by gaining valuable insights, practical skills and learn from an industry expert.
This workshop is part of Screen Queensland’s North Queensland Regional Program.
The one-day workshop run by screenwriter, script producer and director Libby Butler will include industry insights, professional anecdotes and a practical workshop simulating the writers’ room and the roles therein.

Libby Butler is a screenwriter/script producer/director and producer based in Victoria. Libby has been in the industry for over ten years, with writing credits including Neighbours, The Heights, and most recently Surviving Summer. She has worked in writers’ rooms for the BBC, Werner Film Productions, Northern Pictures, Fremantle Media and Matchbox among others. She got her start as a script coordinator and trainee script editor on Neighbours, which meant she took a LOT of notes. She knows the good ones versus the bad and wants to give a little of that knowledge to the up-and-comers in regional Queensland.