SQ News

Producer applications for MIFF 37ºSouth Market 2015 are now open

MIFF 37ºSouth Market brings the global film financing marketplace to Melbourne for the opening of the Melbourne International Film Festival (MIFF).

As Australia’s only film co-financing market in a festival environment, MIFF 37ºSouth Market enables Australian producers with market-ready and feature-length projects to meet with key international film co-financiers.

Producer applications are now open for 2015’s MIFF 37ºSouth Market in three categories:

1. 37ºSouth: Bridging the Gap

Advance your film script’s financing with sales agents and distributors.
(Successful applicants will also receive admission to Books at MIFF and PostScript&Direct.)

2. 37ºSouth: Breakthru Screenings

Have your completed film viewed by sales agents and distributors.
(Successful applicants will also receive admission to Books at MIFF and PostScript&Direct.)

3. 37ºSouth’s Books at MIFF and 37ºSouth: PostScript&Direct

Producers without a completed film or ready script, can still attend to source new content ideas from publishers at Books at MIFF and screenwriters at PostScript&Direct.

For more information, please visit www.miff37degreesSouth.com or view the FAQ page.

Important dates

MIFF 37ºSouth Market dates: Thursday 30 July – Sunday 2 August 2015.

Early-bird deadline: Closed on Monday 20 April 2015

Second-look deadline: Thursday 7 May 2015

Late deadline: Wednesday 3 June 2015


Submissions can be made via the MIFF 37ºSouth website

Screen Queensland wishes our Queensland producers the best of luck with their MIFF 37ºSouth Market applications!