SQ News

Queensland at Sunny Side of the Doc 2016

Screen Queensland will be supporting two early to mid career factual and documentary producers to form part of the Screen Australia delegation attending Sunny Side of the Doc, 20 – 23 June 2016 in La Rochelle, France.

Screen Australia will provide support for the delegation by producing an online showcase of Australian producers and projects at the market. The showcase will include delegates’ company profiles and contact details, and information about new and recently completed projects. Screen Australia will also work with Sunny Side to facilitate targeted business opportunities for producers attending.

Screen Queensland will support the two chosen producers with a Travel & Marketing Grant of $5,000 to contribute towards the cost of attending the market.

If you would like to apply to be one of the two producers to attend, please lodge a Travel & Marketing application to Screen Queensland by 5pm Friday 6 May. Please note that this is an opportunity for early to mid career producers.

We look forward to hearing from you.