SQ News

Screen Queensland invites you to attend ‘In Conversation with Flame Distribution’ followed with an industry reception

Screen Queensland presents an in-depth discussion and Q&A with Fiona Gilroy, Content Sales and Acquisitions Director of Flame Distribution, followed by a screen industry reception and morning tea.

Flame is involved in the development, finance and co-production of factual content for the international television market. The company works with both producers and buyers from around the world to deliver the best quality content for audiences across platforms.

Flame currently works with close to 100 producers from around the world representing around 1,500 hours of their content spanning nine (9) different genres including: Science & Technology, History, Nature, Food, Kids Factual, Travel & Adventure, Documentary, Sport and Lifestyle & Reality.

Screen Queensland Head of Development and Production, Jo Dillon, is delighted to be joining the conversation and chatting to Fiona about Flame and what works in the international market.

‘In Conversation with Flame Distribution’ plus industry reception details:

Date: Tuesday 1 September 2015
Location: Diane Cilento Studio, Queensland Theatre Company, 78 Montague Rd, South Brisbane
9.00am – 11:00am
9.00am – 9.20am Flame presentation
9.20am – 9.40am In Conversation with Fiona Gilroy and Jo Dillon
9.40am – 10.00am Audience Q&A
10.00am – 11.00am Screen industry reception and morning tea

Cost: Free – RSVPs are essential. There will be a door list and name tags for all guests on arrival

RSVP: Please CLICK HERE to REGISTER via the Eventbrite page.

RSVPs close 8.00am on Monday 31 August 2015

Catering: Morning tea will be provided for all guests after the panel discussion. There will also be tea, coffee and juice provided.


Fiona Gilroy

Beginning at Film Australia in 1989 and the Sales and Marketing Operations Manager, Fiona built strong relationships with the Australian independent production sector and international content buyers.

As Content Sales Manager at SBS from 1996, Fiona worked with drama and documentary producers to market their content across all platforms worldwide. Establishing her consultancy business Fi’sAbility in 2009, Fiona worked with independent producers to maximise commercial opportunities for their content and explore new business models.

In 2011 Fiona joined Flame Media to start a distribution business – Flame Distribution, which has developed since that time a catalogue of around 2,000 hours of factual and documentary content produced by 90 independent filmmakers from around the world along with Flame’s own productions represented by a team of 15 sales and support staff from offices in Sydney, London, Singapore and Greece.

Jo Dillon

Jo Dillon joined Screen Queensland as Head of Development & Production in August 2014. She has developed screen stories in Australia and the UK for more than ten years – working on hundreds of projects and reading thousands – most recently as a Development Executive for Screen Australia.

In the UK, Jo was also Head of Development at Emmy-winning production company Yipp Films, having developed factual narratives for network television and establishing the company’s first drama slate. She also went on to work as a script and story consultant developing feature films, shorts and documentaries for independent producers.