SQ News

Screen Queensland would like to acknowledge Chris De Cure OAM

Screen Queensland would like to acknowledge Chris De Cure OAM (pictured third from the left) who has passed away this week, for his work in supporting the film industry.

Chris De Cure was the Consul General in Los Angeles from March 2009 to July 2012 and was a huge advocate for the Australian film industry including offering support to Ausfilm and Tracey Vieira, who at the time was the Executive Vice President of International Production and based out of the Consul.

The Consulate-General is the focal point of our national efforts to promote Australian interests in business, tourism and education, and further develop the robust cultural linkages we enjoy with the west coast of the United States. California provides the North American base for many large Australian companies and is home to the largest population of Australian expatriates in the United States.

Mr De Cure, a senior career officer with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, held diverse senior roles in the Department covering bilateral and regional relations, trade policy, public affairs and corporate programs. He developed a close familiarity with Australia’s relations with the United States, having headed the Department’s Americas Division in 2008 and previously serving in the Australian Embassy, Washington as First Secretary (Commercial) from 1987-1990.

Mr De Cure was head of the APEC Task Force (2005-07) in the lead-up to Australia’s hosting of the APEC Leaders Meeting in 2007 and Assistant Secretary, APEC Branch (2003-05) and chair of APEC’s Committee on Trade and Investment (2006-07).

Mr De Cure previously held a range of senior appointments in Canberra including Senior Media Spokesman and Assistant Secretary, Parliamentary Media Branch (2001-02) and Assistant Secretary, Images of Australia Branch (1999-2000). In the latter role, he had oversight of the Department’s international public affairs and cultural programs and its involvement in the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games.

He was also the senior Departmental official engaged in the 2008 visit to Perth by the then US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

Mr De Cure was awarded an OAM for his co-ordinating role in the Government’s response to the 2002 Bali bombing.

Chris leaves behind his wife Cathie and four adult children.