Screen Queensland has supported regional* Queensland* producers to attend Screenworks Regional to Gloabal Screen Forum, 25-27 March 2021 in Lennox Head, NSW.
Formerly titled Business of Producing, Screenworks’ Regional to Global Screen Forum brings together some of the screen industry’s most innovative and successful professionals to share insights and advice on best practice and current trends.
Tam Sainsbury
Krista Fergusson
Held over three packed days with workshops, presentations, one-on-one meetings, round tables and networking events, the Regional to Global Screen Forum will provide opportunities for regional practitioners to connect with global decision-makers and industry influencers. The information imparted and networks created through this event are aimed at leveraging screen projects and career.
After being forced to cancel the 2020 Business of Producing Seminar due to COVID-19, Screenwork’s rebranded annual event has been crafted to reflect the unprecedented circumstances that have impacted the local and international screen industry over the last year and the evolving opportunities it has presented local content creators, production companies, distributors and service providers.
Guest speakers include producers, broadcast and SVOD executives from around the world, as well as representatives from the Australian screen industry funding bodies. Current speakers include Rosemary Blight (Goalpost Pictures), Chris Oliver Taylor (Fremantle Australia) and Queenslanders Charlie Aspinwall and Sam Moor (Ludo Studio).
Visit the Screenworks website to learn more.
*regional areas are defined as a resident outside of South East Queensland, being defined as a 100 kilometre radius of the Brisbane or Gold Coast central business district.