Strategic Plans and Projects

Screen Queensland Strategic Plan 2023–25
The Screen Queensland Strategic Plan 2023–2025 outlines the agency's vision, mission and values, as well as five strategic directions which underpin our purpose to enable and grow a thriving local screen industry.
Screen Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Screen Strategy 2024–34
Screen Queensland is committed to uplifting First Nations voices in the local and national screen industry, through the dedicated work of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Unit.
The Advance Queensland Screen Industry 10-year Roadmap and Action Plan 2018-28
Screen Queensland and the Queensland Government is currently delivering the Advance Queensland Screen Industry 10-year Roadmap and Action Plan (2018-28). The roadmap outlines key objectives towards cementing Queensland as a globally recognised commercial and creative leader in the screen industry — creating jobs of the future, boosting our economy, and enriching the community with diverse content, created for Australian and global audiences in all formats and for all platforms.
Screen Queensland Diversity Plan
Screen Queensland's Equity and Diversity Taskforce is currently devising a three-year Diversity Plan. The plan will detail key objectives, actions, responsibilities, timeframes, outcomes and measurements, towards actively developing a more inclusive screen industry in Queensland.
The Taskforce is also reviewing the accessibility and inclusivity of Screen Queensland funding guidelines and making recommendations to ensure that the experiences of specific groups are represented in Screen Queensland policies, initiatives and programs.
- Katrina Irawati Graham , WIFT Australia
- Shideh Faramand, Immigrants Daughter Production House
- Liz Ballantyne, Gameloft
- Kaylene Butler, KIMA Consultant
- Stephanie Dower, Dower Productions
- Richard Jameson, Wirrim Media
- Shirley Pearce, Dreaming Entertainment
- Anupam Sharma, Producer
North Queensland Regional Program
The $4 million North Queensland Regional Program (ending June 2025) was announced in the 2022-23 budget, as a strategy to build the production capacity across North Queensland and Far North Queensland. The program expands on the momentum created from the successful delivery of the Advance Queensland Far North Queensland Screen Production Strategic Plan.
Delivered in partnership with regional screen experts Screenworks, the North Queensland Regional program is comprised of a series of production and development initiatives, skill development workshops and industry events such as the NQ Screen Forum.
The plan is steered by the Far North and North Queensland Screen Advisory Committee, which will continue to provide recommendations to help shape the impact and benefits of the program.
- Jan Cattoni, CQUniversity
- John Baker, FilmCrewNQ
- Riannon Belcher, Screenworks
- Rowena Billard, Screen Queensland
- Gabriel Deveraux, Technical Director and Cinematographer
- Aaron Fa'Aoso, Lone Star Company
- Karen Jackson, Writer/Producer
- Daniel Mulvihill, Roaring Entertainment
- Caden Pearson, Producer
- Tamera Simpson, Intomedia
Screen Queensland Studios, Cairns
The $12.6 million Screen Queensland Studios, Cairns opened in April 2024. From the start of development, the construction of the new complex has been guided by an implementation committee, to shape the facility as a hub for the local creative community, and a drawcard for inbound production.
- The Hon. Curtis Pitt MP, Speaker of the House, Member for Mulgrave and FNQ Screen Champion (Chair)
- Mark Melrose, Head of Studios and Physical Production, Screen Queensland
- Dee Mundell, Chief Operating Officer, Screen Queensland
- Sarah Palmer, Principal Stakeholder Engagement Relations, Department of the Premier and Cabinet
- Gavin Taylor, Regional Director Far North Queensland, Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning
- Kelsey Ormsby, Regional Director Far North Queensland, Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning
- Aaron Fa’Aoso, Lone Star Company Pty Ltd
- Barry Stewart, Sound Reservoir
- Karen Jones, Kite Fish Film Pty Ltd
- Jodie Duignan-George, Associate Vice President, CQ University
- Ross Straguszi, H&S Vision Group
IMAGE: Industry networking at In The Frame: Screen Queensland Practitioners Forum, 2023. Photo by Joe Ruckli