SQ News

Screen Queensland and NITV strengthen collaboration

Screen Queensland and NITV today announced a series of new initiatives. Screen Queensland has agreed to grant funds for the production of four A.N.Z.A.C. specials which focus on the role local Indigenous members have held in the Australian Defence Force – both today and in the past. These stories will celebrate these people’s lives and their contributions not only to Australia’s war history but to our national identity.

Screen Queensland Chairman, Professor Peter Little, said, “We are delighted to be supporting such important stories and initiatives. This is a great opportunity for our emerging Queensland practitioners to be involved in creating content.

“The stories themselves are compelling, not only for the Indigenous community and all Queenslanders, but also for our nation to reflect and understand the important role and contributions made, often behind the scenes.”

Screen Queensland also announced it would fund further stories as part of the ongoing series Our Stories, Our Way, Everyday. This landmark television initiative of mini documentaries was broadcast weeknights from 6.30pm and on weekends at 7:00pm on NITV. These mini documentaries created digital song-lines to share stories of our Indigenous people’s life, history, elders, communities, events, youth and cultures.

NITV Channel Manager, Tanya Denning said “the series will foster positive perceptions of Indigenous history and contemporary culture and promotes Indigenous excellence in front and behind the screen.”

The series last year delivered 112 X 15 minute documentaries that provide the opportunity for Emerging Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander filmmakers, Aboriginal media organisations from the Remote and Regional Australia to share their stories from across Australia. Last year Our Stories, Our Way, Everyday delivered 35 films from Queensland. Screen Queensland directly supported nine of these films last year and then supported others through other funding initiatives.

Prof. Little stated that Screen Queensland is also working with NITV on an exciting new comedy strategy, to uncover new and emerging talent, which we will be announcing shortly together.

“NITV is looking forward to bringing comedy to our screens. We want to be able to show the humour of Aboriginal and Torres Strait People, by unearthing the raw talent from our communities and look at developing new and entertaining ways to engage our audience,” Ms Denning said about the new initiative being developed for later this year.


For media enquiries please contact:

Angela Samut
Acting Marketing and Communications Manager
Screen Queensland
P: +61 7 3248 0500 | M: 0435 851 302
About Screen Queensland:

Screen Queensland’s role is to develop and support the local screen industry, attract production to Queensland, and celebrate an active screen culture across the State. Screen Queensland supports and promotes a creative, innovative and commercially sustainable screen industry in Queensland that makes productions designed to entertain and connect with worldwide audiences.

Website: www.screenqueensland.com.au

About NITV:

NITV is Australia’s only national free-to-air Indigenous television channel, delivering stories from across the country by, for and about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to a non-Indigenous & Indigenous audience. NITV awakens & unites all Australians through sharing & celebrating the unique experiences and imagination of Australia’s first people.

The channel does this by producing, acquiring and showcasing engaging programs that reflect the diversity, richness and strength of our culture and languages.

Website: www.nitv.org.au