SQ News

Screen Queensland Presents: The Queensland Pitch

Screen Queensland will host ‘The Queensland Pitch’ on Thursday 6 November for Queensland-based early career film, television and multiplatform creators. The winning project team will win the opportunity to represent Queensland at the Screen Producers Australia (SPA) annual SCREEN FOREVER Conference, the premier event for the Australian screen production industry (Melbourne, 16-19 November), and pitch their project against other state finalists to industry leaders as part of the Holding Redlich ‘Pitch to the Pro’s’ Competition.

First prize for the Holding Redlich ‘Pitch to the Pro’s’ Competition is: $3,000 plus a ticket to the following year’s SCREEN FOREVER Conference.


  • To be eligible, email your one-page pitch submission by 4.00pm, Friday 24 October to: development@screenqld.com.au
  • Submissions from film, television and/or multiplatform projects accepted.
  • Screen Queensland will select 10 finalists to compete for state honours at the 6 November event (venue and time tbc.)
  • The event will be held in Brisbane.
  • Producers are expected to pitch, except where there is no producer attached, and a maximum of two people can pitch per project.
  • Your pitch can be no longer than five (5) minutes and the panel of judges will have five minutes to ask you further questions.

The ten selected finalists to compete at the 6 November event will be notified by COB 30 October 2014.

The winning team will be announced at the 6 November event. Each team will pitch in front of an audience.

** The Queensland Pitch prize includes return flights for the winning team from Queensland to the SPA Screen Forever Conference (date TBA) and competition entry fee ONLY – all other costs are to be incurred by the winner.

If you have any further questions, please contact the development team at:development@screenqld.com.au or phone (07) 3248 0500.


The Screen Forever Program is now available athttp://screenforever.org.au/features/sessions/