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Screen Queensland supports Bacon Factory Films bringing Indigenous stories down the production line

Screen Queensland supports Bacon Factory Films bringing Indigenous stories down the production line

The Production Line logo

Screen Queensland is proud to announce its support of Bacon Factory Films new initiative ‘The Production Line’ launching this week and focusing on emerging Indigenous filmmakers getting their ideas from story to screen. Screen Queensland’s support is part of its recently announced Early Career Screen Funding Program.

The Production Line is made up of three components – a master class, the ‘Remote Activation Initiative’ with a documentary to be made in a regional part of Queensland and the ‘1st Step Initiative’ giving indigenous filmmakers behind-the-scenes access to a film production.

“We’re thrilled to have Bacon Factory Films, a Queensland-based production company, on board as one of our Early Career Screen program partners,” said Screen Queensland CEO Tracey Vieira.

“The Production Line is an exciting opportunity to raise the voice of Queensland’s Indigenous community through screen culture.

“Not only will the program provide wonderful experience and valuable skills for Indigenous early career screen practitioners, it will provide a space in which to foster a new wave of vibrant cultural storytellers.”

The Production Line program commences with a free, two-day master class being held at the State Library of Queensland on Wednesday 15 October and Thursday 16 October and includes insights into areas such as working with broadcasters, funding bodies and post production.

The master class will bring together well-known Indigenous industry practitioners including guest panelists Ivan Sen (Mystery Road), Kelrick Martin (Outside Chance), Steven McGregor (Redfern Now), Aaron Fa’aoso (The Straits), Angelina Hurley, Douglas Watkins, Anthony Mullins, and Ramahn Allam (ABC Commissioning Editor).

Bacon Factory Films was set up in 2013 by Indigenous filmmaker Dean Gibson who along with Helen Morrison has been one of the architects of the program.

Dean Gibson says the program is exciting for the industry.

“We are so privileged to bring together these professionals, to inspire and work with hopeful Indigenous filmmakers who have not had this opportunity before,” he says.

“There’s a bright future here and this is just the beginning.”

Following the master class, selected participants will be guided through a documentary production process by experienced professionals, producing two ‘Our Stories’ projects for NITV, with at least one project produced in a regional location.

The Production Line will be based at the State Library of Queensland’s Kuril Dhagun Indigenous Space. To register for this week’s free master class contact: info@baconfactoryfilms.com or by phone: Helen Morrison: 0416 256 705; Dean Gibson: 0402 329 421.

For further information, visit: www.baconfactoryfilms.com

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For media enquiries, please contact:
Angela Samut
Communications and Marketing Manager
Screen Queensland
T +61 7 3248 0500 | M 0405 536 548
E asamut@screenqld.com.au

About Screen Queensland:
Screen Queensland is the Queensland Government screen agency based in Brisbane and on the Gold Coast. Screen Queensland’s role is to develop and support a creative, innovative and commercially sustainable screen industry in Queensland, attract production to Queensland, and celebrate an active screen culture across the State.

Screen Queensland supports and promotes a screen industry that makes productions designed to entertain and connect with worldwide audiences. It is focused on driving the growth of the state’s screen industries across all platforms – film, television, multiplatform, digital and games – and in doing so, generates broader economic and employment benefits across metropolitan and regional Queensland. screenqueensland.com.au

About the Early Career Screen Program:
Screen Queensland’s revitalised early career screen program builds meaningful career pathways for emerging practitioners and professionals who are seeking to develop and acquire new skills in an evolving screen landscape.

The program is designed for emerging writers, producers, directors, creators, digital content creators and is part of Screen Queensland’s commitment to foster a viable, strong and sustainable screen industry in Queensland and to ensure our voices are kept on screen.

In 2014-2015, Screen Queensland will partner with Queensland-based New York Film Academy, Hoodlum, the Queensland Writers Centre and Bacon Factory Films to boost skills, lay the groundwork for job creation, and ensure Queensland screen practitioners are competitive in a global market.

About Bacon Factory Films:
Bacon Factory Films was established by Director, Dean Gibson, in 2013. As an Indigenous film-maker with more than ten years’ experience, Dean is passionate about sharing stories through digital media.

The dream of Bacon Factory Films is to bring content to life through innovative film-making. Having fun is at the heart of what they do, whilst delivering professional and contemporary content. Whether it’s television, commercial, Indigenous storytelling or social media, Bacon Factory Films works to develop first ideas through to the end result.

Dean has proven experience in Indigenous content and broadcast media production – including children’s television series and documentaries, government content, commercial content for small and large business, not for profit organisations, television and social media storytelling.

The Production Line is also supported by Screen Australia and NITV.