SQ News

The 2014 ACS Awards for Cinematography Winners

Congratulations to the winners of the 2014 ACS AWARDS FOR CINEMATOGRAPHY!

Screen Queensland was a proud sponsor of the 2014 ACS AWARDS FOR CINEMATOGRAPHY held on Saturday 22 November at the Gold Coast.

This year the Queensland ACS Awards saw over 180 entries from local cinematographers entering into 20 categories.

Congratulations to all winners! See the list here http://www.cinematographer.org.au/cms/page.asp?ID=21568

Special congratulations also to Jason Hargreaves ACS Qld Branch President, Tony O’Loughlan Qld Branch Vice President & Secretary and Scott Kimber ACS Qld Branch Vice President for the organisation of the awards. Plus the event’s wonderful Mistress of Ceremonies, Karen “Zippy” Hayward and Ron Johanson OAM ACS, Chair of the National Executive, who kept the audience entertained throughout the evening!