Because of the hard work of all Queenslanders to unite against COVID-19, we’re seeing more and more industries across Australia and the world wanting to take advantage of our COVID success.
Mandatory quarantine in government arranged accommodation is one of the pillars of our health response. This system is critical to ensuring that people are not bringing COVID-19 into the Queensland community and putting everybody at risk. This is what has consistently kept Queenslanders safe.
Our accommodation is jointly managed by Health and Police where we can provide excellent support and care directly. Ultimately, if you are coming from a COVID hotspot and you are permitted to enter Queensland – quarantine is the safest place for you to be.
If you are permitted to enter Queensland from a COVID hotspot, it’s really important for everyone to consider and plan for the mandatory 14-day quarantine requirement. Exemptions from Quarantine (including for specialist workers) are extremely unlikely and are only granted under very exceptional circumstances.
Queensland Health may consider requests from industry groups to activate and prepare Quarantine Plans to allow for organisations to manage quarantine requirements for critical projects and economic activities outside of government arranged accommodation. These plans would need to demonstrate very rigorous processes and planning to manage all health risks to an extremely high standard. It is very important to note that plans and applications from or for individuals are not able to be considered. This is something that can be discussed with your industry stakeholder, Screen Queensland.
Queensland is an excellent place to be at the moment, however, we have to protect the hard work and sacrifices that everyone has made. We’ve seen time and time again how persistent this virus is and how quickly it can get out of control. We have to remain vigilant.
If you are permitted to travel to Queensland, I thank you in advance for contributing to our state’s health and safety by planning for and complying with our mandatory quarantine requirements

Dr Jeannette Young PSM
MBBS (Sydney), MBA (Macq), DUni (Griffith), DUni (QUT), FRACMA, FFPH, FCHSM(Hon)
Chief Health Officer and
Deputy Director‑General Prevention Division
Chief Medical Officer | Queensland Health
Please read the important information linked below.
If you have any further enquiries, please contact:
Gina Black
Head of COVID Production Liaison
Screen Queensland
+61 418 855 404

Information for productions seeking approval for cast and crew to travel from Australian hotspots and internationally into Queensland.

The Queensland Screen Sector COVID Safe Work Plan is a live document which offers up to date practical advice drawing on a range of resources from the screen industry and from the Queensland government.