Applications close Friday 17 September, 5pm
Screen Queensland has once again partnered with La Boite Theatre to deliver the immensely popular Stage to Screen Adaptation Program; a four-day intensive program for six Queensland playwrights or theatre-makers.
Successful applicants will work to seed and develop an idea for screen, under the guidance of industry mentors and experts, during a week-long incubator program.
Each participant will receive a contribution of $1,000 for their participation, which will include an intensive writing week with guidance and additional workshops with screen practitioners.
At the conclusion of the program, the writers will ‘pitch’ their work to a closed panel of Screen Queensland representatives, with a view to securing future development opportunities through funding avenues within the local and national screen sector.
This development program will run from 25-31 October.
Applications are open to individual Queensland playwrights and/or theatre makers, with anywhere from zero to multiple screen credits, from an under-represented background.
For the purposes of this program, this is recognised as differences in gender; age; Aboriginal identity; Torres Strait Islander identity; cultural and linguistic diversity (CALD); disability; sexuality and gender identities, including lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex (LGBTQIA+), location (including regional and remote areas); and socio-economic status.
You must also be able to demonstrate that you own the rights to the story you are trying to tell.
Applicant should also be available to take part full time in the incubator from Monday 25 – Sunday 31 October 2021.