UPDATE: Survey has been extended to 5:00pm AEST Monday 30 March.
To our colleagues in the screen community of Queensland
The global pandemic COVID-19 brings change every day, with significant impacts on every aspect of our lives and the way we work in the Queensland screen industry.
Like every industry in Australia, we know that the screen sector is hurting, with travel restrictions and social isolation measures causing productions to shut down. And crew and cast facing uncertainty around employment and income in the coming months.
At Screen Queensland we are here to listen, help and be proactive on your behalf. We are committed to supporting our industry through this difficult time. We are focused on ways for us all to be resilient and for a full recovery when we return to business as usual.
To fully understand the scale of the problems facing our sector, we are conducting a short survey asking you, Queensland screen industry practitioners and local businesses, to share your experiences of the impact from COVID-19, and offer suggestions on assistance you believe would help our industry.
Please complete this short survey and have your say by 5pm Monday 30 March so we can fully gauge the extent of the difficulties facing the sector in our state and hear your suggestions for the industry.
We want to hear from as many Queensland-based screen industry practitioners as possible, so I encourage you to share the survey with your colleagues.
We have also convened a Queensland Screen Industry Task Force comprised of experienced professionals with diverse expertise across the sector to provide feedback on the challenges facing our industry.
Together with your input and guidance from the task force, we will provide advice and insights to state and federal governments on the support needed for our industry to rebound.
We are also working collectively with other screen agencies, industry groups and key stakeholders to share information and provide an honest representation on the state of the screen industry to government, as well as support needed to navigate through the crisis.
We will continue to invest in Queensland creativity and talent in the coming months, so we are ready to help create outstanding screen content when our communities return to normal.
Please remember to follow us on social media and subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date with new initiatives that we will be announcing in the coming weeks.
We are here to support you and are available via phone or email, so please contact members of the Screen Queensland team with whom you currently work if you have any questions.
Wishing you all the best. And please stay safe.
On behalf of the whole Screen Queensland team
Kylie Munnich
CEO, Screen Queensland
Applications for games development, finance and ideas remain open and will be assessed according to the existing deadlines.
Find the latest health information and advice on the Queensland Health website or if you are concerned about your health or that of your family contact 13HEALTH (13 43 25 84).
It’s important to take care of your mental health during this difficult time. Here are useful tips on practical steps you can take to help you and your loved ones right now.
If you are experiencing mental health issues you can talk to a counsellor 24/7 at Lifeline on 13 11 14.
If your business needs help and advice you can find information on the Business Queensland website or you can call the hotline on 1300 654 687 to find out more.
The Australian Government also has a number of support measures for businesses and individuals. For more information visit the Australian Treasury and the Australian Department of Social Services.