Screen Queensland has announced a new $50,000 virtual film festival program called V-Fest as a part of its a multi-strategy approach of more than $3.3 million to support the state’s screen sector through COVID-19.

Kylie Munnich, Screen Queensland CEO, said V-Fest was a unique program designed to help support Queensland film festivals quickly shift into curated online experiences that can connect, engage and entertain audiences everywhere, from the safety of their homes.
“Every part of the screen industry is trying to adapt and change to our new normal in COVID-19. Film festivals and events are some of the early adopters to pivot, so we are looking to help accelerate that transition in Queensland, and support platforms to showcase outstanding screen content,” said Ms Munnich.
The V-Fest initiative is a part of the core Screen Culture Funding program, and will offer five grants up to $10,000 each, to assist with costs of running and delivering a virtual screen festival in the next six to 12 months. The focus is primarily for Queensland-based audiences with the possibility of each event expanding to reach larger virtual audience across Australia.
Rowena Billard, Screen Culture Manager at Screen Queensland, said it has been heart breaking to see the cancellation of major Queensland film festivals in the last few months, so it is wonderful to be able to offer some help to sustain the state’s thriving screen culture sector.
“This program is designed to ignite the passion of local and international audiences for Queensland-made screen stories. We want to support events that foster shared screen experiences with audiences everywhere and we know that now is the perfect time to do this,” said Ms Billard.
Applications are open to any Queensland individual, business; and/or organisation providing benefits to the state’s screen culture, and can demonstrate capacity, experience and track record to develop and implement their event.
Screen Queensland encourages applications from people and organisations who reflect the diversity of experiences and perspectives across contemporary Queensland life.
Applications for the V-Fest initiative close 5.00pm Friday 22 May 2020.