Due Date:
This closed on Friday 29 May
Call 07 3248 0500 or email content@screenqld.com.au.

Business Resilience workshops
Resources from the SQ Lab with 113 Partners, CEO Ian Murray, 12-13 May 2020
We are providing $1 million to support Queensland-based screen businesses to deliver a 12-month strategy for growth and sustainability.
This program is suited to active screen businesses with a strong track record in production, post-production, production services, game development, or distribution, or with demonstrable expertise and success in related media businesses (such as advertising, digital) that are looking for opportunities within the screen sector to:
- switch focus, pivot or diversify for sustainability and growth
- establish diversified, increased and consistent revenue streams
- build capability through innovation built on new ideas, structures and expertise.
(Download the guidelines as a PDF document )
Who can apply?
This program is best suited to established screen businesses with a strong, recent track record in production, post-production, production services, distribution or game development, or related media companies with a compelling proposal to pivot into this space.
To be eligible, applicants must:
- be a Queensland business operating in and with more than 50% of its workforce based in Queensland
- meet SQ general eligibility requirements as set out in the Terms of Trade
We encourage applications from businesses whose employees, creative teams and work reflect the diversity of our state – and will give consideration in the selection process to ensure, where possible, that the program outcomes represent our commitment to supporting people who are under-represented by gender, culture and language, race, sexuality, and low socio-economic status.
Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander businesses are encouraged to apply, as are businesses whose principal place of business is located outside of south-east Queensland.
Applicants who have not fulfilled the obligations of prior business development or other SQ programs will not be eligible.
How much can I apply for?
Queensland companies can apply for up to $150,000 to deliver their 12-month strategy.
Investments will be strategic and diverse, aimed at businesses that can demonstrate ambitious proposals that meet the objectives of the SQ Enterprise program, real potential and reflect the diversity of population in the state.
What can I apply for?
SQ Enterprise is a flexible program, which seeks to support businesses in ways that they identify and evidence as the best strategy for their individual business needs.
Funding can be used to support a number of different activities including but not restricted to:
- slate development (the company must be able to demonstrate it owns the rights to these projects and that they have the potential to be production-ready in 12 months)
- hiring experts focused on practice and performance
- engaging consultative business services (funding for consultative business services should constitute only a part of your budget)
- establishing new partnerships and/or securing new commercial/private investment
- supporting marketing strategies
- investing in infrastructure
- investing in innovation
- increasing staff numbers, especially where this commits the business to diversifying its talent base.
The level of funding available will be closely related to the applicant’s costed strategy and demand on the funds. Applicants are not encouraged to apply for the maximum funding available ($150,000) if their strategy can be delivered for a smaller budget.
Preparing an application
In the lead up to the closing date, a small number of business strategy advice sessions will be offered to eligible Queensland companies and applicants are encouraged to register their interest to take part by emailing content@screenqld.com.au.
We also encourage applicants to take part in Business Resilience sessions through the SQ Lab.
To apply you will need to submit an application by midnight, Friday 29th May 2020 using Screen Queensland’s Smartygrants application portal. Late applications will not be assessed. You will need to include the following items.
- Compelling 12-month business plan (using this business plan template) including:
- organisation details
- CVs for all key personnel and new staff/experts you are looking to engage (if unknown, include a role description)
- business purpose
- key achievements from the past 3 years
- vision statement for the next 12 months and beyond and a costed action plan for achieving this, with clear milestones and KPIs identified.
- Financial strategy including:
- revenue strategy
- budget and finance plan for the proposed activities
- expected Cashflow
- profit and loss forecast.
- Market analysis, including an assessment of domestic and international market.
- Competitor analysis.
- A statement addressing your proposal’s immediate and long-term benefits to the Queensland industry as a whole (employment, in-state expenditure, acclaim/profile, returns etc).
- Professional references (two).
- organisation details
- If applying for slate development, an active slate of projects in development, with a clear path to market identified and strong potential for key projects to move into production in the next 12 months. Include:
- key project information (title, genre, format, audience, logline, synopsis).
- creative materials (scripts, bibles, treatments, etc)
- market attachments or strategy for attaching market and financing the project
- brief outline of 12-month development plan, including history of project and next creative steps.
1. When you submit you will receive a confirmation email – please notify us if you haven’t received this within 30 minutes. Following submission, your application’s eligibility will be checked and if approved will proceed to assessment.
2. Your applications will be assessed by a panel including members of the SQ team and suitable external experts against the criteria outlined in the section “What is SQ looking for?” During the assessment process, you may be contacted to take part in an interview via teleconference/phone or to provide further information.
3. Recommendations will be approved by the EVP Content, CEO and, if over $100,000, the board of Screen Queensland. You will be notified of the outcome of your application by 30 June 2020.
What is SQ Looking for?
Your proposal will be assessed against the following criteria.
- Strength, viability and commercial potential of the 12-month proposal – will it lead to the growth and sustainability of the company and broader sector? Is the proposal consistent with the aims of the SQ Enterprise Program?
- If applying for slate development, the quality of the slate and likelihood to move to production in 12 months.
- Track record and potential of the company, and any proposed experts, and their ability to deliver the program.
- Impact on the broader Queensland screen industry.
What are the reporting requirements?
Successful applicants will provide quarterly reports with updates on milestones and key performance indicators as well as deliverables across the 12-month period. Members of the SQ team will remain in regular contact with successful applicants throughout the 12-month period.
Important documents to read before applying
You must read our Terms of Trade, QPE definition and our corporate and strategic plans before preparing your application.
Funding is competitive and not all applicants may be successful even if they can demonstrate they meet all the assessment criteria. Applicants are encouraged to be ambitious and innovative in their proposals.
It is not anticipated that the funds available through this program alone will be able to cover all company costs. SQ Enterprise is part of a $3.3m support package for the Queensland screen industry that represents the maximum funds that Screen Queensland has been able to reallocate for support during the COVID-19 crisis.
Screen businesses who receive funding through SQ Enterprise, where this relates to slate development, will be not be eligible to apply for additional Ideas funding towards those projects during the twelve-month term of the program. All investment in slates or individual project development is 110% repayable on the first day of principal photography.
SQ Enterprise is not a substitute for government relief to businesses affected by COVID-19 and such businesses are encouraged to seek all federal and state assistance currently available for this support. See COVID-19 Support for more information.
Photo credit: Photo by You X Ventures on Unsplash