Applications close: Monday 17 March, 9am AEST
Screen Queensland is offering screen businesses based in North and Far North Queensland up to $75,000 to deliver a 12-month strategy for growth and sustainability.
NQ Enterprise is a $250,000 fund to enable businesses to build their resources and experience while scaling up their operations.
This program is suited to active screen businesses with a strong track record in production, post-production, production services, games development or distribution, or with demonstrable expertise and success in related media businesses (such as advertising, digital) that are looking for opportunities within the screen sector to:
- switch focus, pivot or diversify for sustainability and growth
- establish diversified, increased and consistent revenue streams
- build capability through innovation built on new ideas, structure and expertise.
NQ Enterprise is delivered as part of our North Queensland Regional Program.
The recipients of the 2024 NQ Enterprise initiative are Biopixel, Kite Fish Film, Pandamonium Films and Millstream Productions. Read more.
The recipients of the 2023 NQ Enterprise initiative were Screen Scape — End Credits Film Club, Yarner, Newart Collective and QC Video. Read more.
Recipients of the first NQ Enterprise in 2022 were BioQuest Studios, Lonestar Productions, FilmCrewNQ and Platinum Talent Management. Read more.
To be eligible, applicants must:
- Be a business based in North Queensland, Far North Queensland (also known as Tropical North Queensland), operating in and with more than 75% of its workforce based in the region. Regions are defined in accordance with this map. Please note, companies operating in surrounding regions may be considered, with priority given to North and Far North Queensland applicants. Please contact Screen Queensland to discuss your eligibility.
- Meet Screen Queensland’s general eligibility requirements as set out in the Terms of Trade.
Screen Queensland encourages applications from businesses whose employees, creative teams and work reflects the diversity of our state and will give consideration in the selection process to ensure, where possible, that the program outcomes represent Screen Queensland’s commitment to supporting people who are under-represented by gender, culture and language, race, sexuality, disability, and low socio-economic status.
Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander businesses are encouraged to apply.
Applicants who have not fulfilled the obligations of prior business development or other Screen Queensland programs will not be eligible.
Companies can apply for up to $75,000 towards delivery of their 12-month strategy. Please note the total amount of funding available through this program is $250,000 per annum so applications will be competitive.
Grants will be strategic and diverse, aimed at businesses that can demonstrate ambitious proposals that meet the objectives of this program, real potential and reflect the diversity of the population.
The level of funding available will be closely related to the applicant’s costed strategy and demand on the funds. Applicants are encouraged not to apply for the maximum funding available ($75,000) if their plan can be delivered for a smaller budget.
NQ Enterprise is a flexible program, which seeks to support businesses in ways that they identify and evidence as the best strategy for their individual business needs.
Funding can be used to support a number of different activities including but not restricted to:
- Hiring experts focused on practice and performance
- Engaging consultative business services (this should only form part of your budget)
- Establishing new partnerships and/or securing new commercial investment
- Supporting marketing strategies
- Investing in infrastructure and/or IT equipment*
- Investing in innovation
- Increasing staff numbers, especially where this commits the business to diversifying its talent base
*If purchasing IT equipment (such as laptops, tablets and mobile phones) please note that these are required to be primarily for business use and not for personal use.
Late applications will not be assessed.
Applications require a compelling 12-month business plan (Download .docx Word template) and must include:
- CVs for all key personnel and new staff/experts you are looking to engage (if unknown please add a role description)
- business purpose
- key achievements in past three years
- vision statement for next 12 months
- financial strategy
- budget and financial plan for the proposed activities
- anticipated cashflow
- market/competitor analysis
- statement addressing your proposal’s benefits to North and Far North Queensland and broader Queensland screen industry.
When you submit you will receive a confirmation email. Please notify Screen Queensland if you haven’t received this within 30 minutes. Following submission, your application’s eligibility will be checked and if approved will proceed to assessment.
Your application will be assessed against the following criteria:
- Strength, viability and potential of the 12-month proposal
- Track record and potential of the company, any proposed experts, and their ability to deliver
- Impact on the screen industry in North and Far North Queensland and the broader Queensland screen industry
Recommendations will be approved by Screen Queensland’s Chief Creative Officer and CEO.
Screen Queensland Creative Industry Partnerships team
Email: screenculture@screenqld.com.au
Phone: 3248 0500