Screen Queensland facilitates talent development initiatives to upskill emerging and mid-career practitioners through workshops, mentorships and placements in partnership with leading industry organisations and locally-made productions.
Partnerships have included ABC, Network 10, NITV, SBS, AFTRS, Bus Stop Films, Fremantle Australia, Gameloft Brisbane, Hoodlum Entertainment, Ludo Studio, Screenworks, Screen Australia, Wattpad and more.
Join the Australian Delegation to Annecy Animation Film Festival
Market dates: Tuesday 10 – Friday 13 June Applications close: Wednesday 26 March, 5pm As part of Ausfilm’s Australian Delegation … Continued
Charlie’s Co-Working Hub, Los Angeles
In partnership with Australians In Film (AiF), Screen Queensland offers local industry practitioners the opportunity to secure full access to the Charlie’s co-working hub in Los Angeles.
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander initiatives
Applications closed Friday 14 February Screen Australia, ABC and NITV are supporting up to eight First Nations teams through their romcom short film initiative—Proper Loved Up. With support from Screen … Continued
BLACKapple in collaboration with Common Ground, Screenrights and Screen Australia, is a three-day intensive directors lab designed for up to eight First Nations women and gender diverse people who are looking to take their first or next step in their directing career.
Due 6 August 2023 | Authentic NQ is a $4,000 short film opportunity, championing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander filmmakers from North and Far North Queensland.
CLOSED 23 March 2023
Screen Queensland and Network 10 will offer four emerging First Nations film and television practitioners the opportunity to produce their own Community Service Announcements (CSA) – 60-second television segments – … Continued
Applications Closed SBS and Southern Pictures, in partnership with Screen Queensland, are seeking an Associate Producer as part of their SBS Diversity Talent Escalator Program, an initiative that aims to increase … Continued
Up to 10 Queensland practitioners, including 5 First Nations practitioners, will be supported to attend the Australian International Documentary Conference (AIDC) in Melbourne from 6-9 March 2022.
Applications have been extended toMonday 9 August, 5pm SBS and NITV, in partnership with Screen Australia, and state and Territory agencies, have launched Curious Australia, a new, nationwide initiative seeking … Continued
SQ is delighted to announce the three recipients of the SQ Mentorships 2020. The SQ Mentorships program is being delivered as part of our commitment to diversity and achieving gender … Continued
First Peoples: First Draft is a writers’ development initiative for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander practitioners developing drama feature films or series. Up to 5 writers will have the opportunity to develop the first draft of their project in an exclusive writers’ workshop with acclaimed storytellers Leah Purcell and Bain Stewart, from Oombarra Productions. Closes Monday 6 July
This program has now ended. Read about the successful applicant here. Screen Queensland and NITV Screen industry (all platforms/genres) Early career opportunity Based Brisbane (six months) and Sydney (six months) … Continued
North Queensland Regional Program
This $4 million multi-year program is designed grow the region’s creative community through opportunities for skills development, funding for local screen businesses and events to foster industry connections. These initiatives support the North and Far North Queensland screen community to take advantage of the benefits of increased production with Screen Queensland Studios, Cairns.
Date and time: Wednesday 2 April, 9am–2pm Location: Screen Queensland Studios, Cairns, 11–13 Plath Close, Portsmith Cost: Free, with morning tea provided Registrations close: Tuesday 1 April, 9pm North and … Continued
Registrations close: Thursday 13 March Date and time: Monday 17 March, 9am–4.30pm Cost: Free Location: Screen Queensland Studios, Cairns, 11/13 Plath Close, Portsmith Screen Queensland, in partnership with Screenworks, is … Continued
Registrations close: Monday 24 February, 9am AEST Cost: Free Location: Screen Queensland Studios, Cairns, 11–13 Plath Close, Portsmith Course dates:Block One: Saturday 1 to Sunday 2 MarchBlock Two: Monday 24 … Continued
Screen Queensland in partnership with Screenworks and with support from Screen Australia, has launched the NQ Discovering New Online Voices initiative to up-skill North and Far North Queensland screen creatives interested in developing short form online projects.
Due Monday 30 October 2023. Apply now for Inside the Writers Room, the Regional Producer Elevator Program and the Directors Pathway Program.
Build your screen industry skills and connections at the second NQ Screen Forum — a three-day event for regional film and television practitioners of all experience levels.
Due 6 August 2023 | Authentic NQ is a $4,000 short film opportunity, championing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander filmmakers from North and Far North Queensland.
APPLICATIONS CLOSED Wednesday 19 July, 12.00am Bootcamp commences: Early August 2023 Screen Queensland in partnership with Screenworks and multi-Emmy® award-winning production company, Ludo Studio is offering an exciting opportunity for two emerging … Continued
Screen Queensland is offering Queensland practitioners based in Far North Queensland and North Queensland the opportunity to attend AIDC Regionality Cairns on Friday 28 July 2023.
APPLICATIONS CLOSED Monday 1 May, 9:00am AEST Screen Queensland is pleased to announce the participants of Tastes of the Tropics: Maura Mancini and her team Alison George and Kim Knox … Continued
Applications close: Monday 17 March, 9am AEST Screen Queensland is offering screen businesses based in North and Far North Queensland up to $75,000 to deliver a 12-month strategy for growth … Continued
Screen Queensland has partnered with Screenworks to support seven practitioners to attend the Regional to Global Screen Forum in Lennox Head NSW from 30 March – 1 April 2023.
EVENT 7–8 DECEMBER, 2022. Screen Queensland, in partnership with Screenworks, is proud to announce that Townsville will host the inaugural North Queensland Screen Fest 2022. Over three days, local screen … Continued
CLOSED. Screen Queensland, in partnership with Screenworks, will host an exclusive screen skills workshop for emerging and early-career screen practitioners in Cairns, on Friday 25 November. Facilitated by Riannon Del … Continued
CLOSED. Screen Queensland in partnership with Screenworks will visit Townsville and Mackay this October to hold workshops, one-on-one meetings and networking events, as part of our continued commitment to drive … Continued
Regional practitioners can now register to attend the online conference 26–28 May 2022 for FREE.
CLOSED 13 and 14 May 2022. In this introductory two-day course, participants will get an insight into the role of the producer, and how much it varies across different types … Continued
NQ Enterprise is a $250,000 fund, which will provide a grant of up to $75,000 to screen businesses based in North and Far North Queensland to deliver a 12-month strategy for growth and sustainability.
Screen Queensland has partnered with Screenworks to deliver this 2-day workshop led by screen industry accounting leaders Moneypenny.
Two mentorship opportunities for emerging Far North Queensland screen industry practitioners, across games development and animation. Due 19 June
Diversity and Inclusion
Screen Queensland is committed to creating a diverse and inclusive screen industry across the state and runs initiatives to provide equitable opportunities for screen practitioners from a range of backgrounds and communities, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, women, people who are culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD), LGBTQIA+, living with disability, and regionally-based.
Applications closed Friday 14 February Screen Australia, ABC and NITV are supporting up to eight First Nations teams through their romcom short film initiative—Proper Loved Up. With support from Screen … Continued
Applications closed Thursday 20 June Are you an emerging producer with a passion for inclusion? Screen Queensland has partnered with Bus Stop Films to support two emerging producers who will … Continued
Untapped is a breakthrough, 8-month talent development program for undiscovered and historically excluded Australian screenwriters and directors.
Location: Cairns Duration: Run over dates from October 2023 – March 2024. Refer to the key dates below for more information. Cost: This is a full scholarship (free) development program. Applications closed Friday … Continued
Key details Location: Cairns Duration: The program will run a total of 17 days including 3 weekends (non-consecutively) from October 2023 – July 2024. Refer to the key dates below for more … Continued
Applications closed Thursday 24 August The Access Coordinator role is intended for people from the Deaf/Disabled and/or Neurodivergent (DDN) communities who are committed to improving disability representation and removing barriers … Continued
APPLICATIONS CLOSED Wednesday 19 July, 12.00am Bootcamp commences: Early August 2023 Screen Queensland in partnership with Screenworks and multi-Emmy® award-winning production company, Ludo Studio is offering an exciting opportunity for two emerging … Continued
Applications closed The SBS Emerging Writers’ Incubator, now in its second year, is a nationwide initiative to develop historically under-represented scripted writing talent in the Australian screen sector, presented by … Continued
Applications Closed SBS and Southern Pictures, in partnership with Screen Queensland, are seeking an Associate Producer as part of their SBS Diversity Talent Escalator Program, an initiative that aims to increase … Continued
Australians in Film and Screen Australia have announced the return of UNTAPPED, the breakthrough professional development program for undiscovered Australian writers and directors. The program features a masterclass series, followed … Continued
The Australian Film Television & Radio School (AFTRS) is calling for applications for Talent Camp 2022 – a 5-day intensive screenwriting, producing and directing program for practitioners from under-represented backgrounds to develop comedy, drama and documentary films or series (including web series).
Applications have been extended toMonday 9 August, 5pm SBS and NITV, in partnership with Screen Australia, and state and Territory agencies, have launched Curious Australia, a new, nationwide initiative seeking … Continued
APPLICATIONS OPEN 3 MAY 2021APPLICATIONS CLOSE 28 MAY 2021 SBS, in partnership with Screen Australia, state and territory agencies Screen Queensland, Screen NSW, Screen Canberra, Screenwest and the South Australian … Continued
Each team will receive up to $55,000 to create a short film (approx. 15min) and will also be supported through development, production, post-production, delivery and distribution.
This fund is currently closed for applications. Contact07 3248 0500 Screen Queensland, SBS and Madman Entertainment, together with The Post Lounge and Media Super, are actively looking for feature … Continued
Regional/remote-based Queensland practitioners can apply now to receive one of 8 tickets to the 2021 Screenworks Regional to Global Screen Forum online, which includes a 12-month Regional Associate Screenworks Membership.
SQ is delighted to announce the three recipients of the SQ Mentorships 2020. The SQ Mentorships program is being delivered as part of our commitment to diversity and achieving gender … Continued
An intensive narrative feature film development lab with SQ-supported placements. Applications are due midnight 16 August 2020.
Screen Queensland and Queensland Rugby League have partnered for the first time to create this unique opportunity
Queensland filmmakers from diverse backgrounds are being given the opportunity to produce unscripted short-form content for SBS On Demand under a new partnership between Screen Queensland (SQ) and the Special … Continued
Past Initiatives
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